I confused my good friend a few weeks back when I used Rev 2:5 in - TopicsExpress


I confused my good friend a few weeks back when I used Rev 2:5 in one of my post to convey a point (Remember from what great heights thou has fallen 
etcetera, etcetera). I suggested that GOD has a sense of humor because if you get a hard enough fall you are not likely to forget. You get up massaging your hind-end, and you ain’t ever going to forget that fall. I was speaking metaphorically about my preference of cruising (being grounded) as opposed to flying where he thinks I should be up there with him (he is a pilot and was jokingly trying to woo me). For Motivation Monday I want to talk briefly about losing; the what I like to call “the swift and sudden fall from grace.” I want to talk about pearls too. What makes losing painful is not the fall itself. It is the ‘stop’ when you make contact with the ground, that hard impact especially if you fell from a great height. It is the braggadocios things that you said when you were on top, thinking that you were invincible & untouchable- all those granite words falling down on top of you, crushing you. It is the awful way that you treated people when you were on top – and the same way they watch you go up, the same way they watch you go down. When I want to assess someone’s character I look at the way they treat people who they think that they do not need, how they dismiss and diminish and belittle them; that hateful way oozing with pride. I know some folks will like to tell you that the LORD doesn’t hate. I don’t know what Bible they read but there are 6 things the LORD hate, not mildly dislike. HE hates them and 7 are an abomination unto him ~ Proverbs 6:16- 19. The very first one is “a proud look.’ Twist on that for a moment- The LORD says if you even have a proud look – HE hates that. Now meen telling ayo (translated for the benefit of my non-VI readers that means, ‘I am not telling you all’) what to do and how to act; just understand if you or me, find ourselves behaving in the above mentioned fashion, people are not going to be kind on our swift and sudden fall from grace. We are going to hear, ‘tis good for he,’ ‘let she tek dat’, ‘dat should hold yuh’ or my personal favorite, ‘the longest rope has an end,’ and those sort of things. They are not going to hold your hand and sing Kumbaya. Finally my brethren, I only say the following to make a point. I was a valedictorian once upon a time and thereafter failing became foreign to me. The first time I had what I perceived as a major fail, it catapulted me straight to Moscow. I would not eat for days. But thank GOD for life lessons. You live long enough you come to realize certain things. I have come to learn that there will always, always be someone who runs faster than you, someone who (you fill in the blank) than you; there will always be that someone who will advance further than you and you must be comfortable with that. With an earth weighing 6,592,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons, there is room for everyone; not to mention that you are a limited resource but that is a whole other topic. Congratulations to the Spurs and Timothy on their 5th NBA championship. youtube/watch?v=pEEMi2j6lYE
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 16:59:11 +0000

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