I consider moving to America as a gift from God. To be clear, - TopicsExpress


I consider moving to America as a gift from God. To be clear, this has nothing to do with becoming rich in America. A lot of people back home thought that America is synonymous to paradise and that you will find gold on every road here is just a fantasy. Anyway, living here was a gift because I was able to spend more time with my family. I guess, it’s the Lord’s way of giving me a chance to make up for the times I failed to enjoy. For 11 years I wasn’t physically there for my family, all those years were spent working in the Middle East. Ever since we moved here my son has been very active in school. Thanks to Mrs. Cummings, his classroom adviser for she motivated him to excel especially when it comes to the Arts. She really knows how to bring out the best from her students. Thanks to her way of motivating kids, my son’s talents were recognized. Two days ago, I shared about allowing my son to rest for a while. Actually, it was not just about him wanting to take a respite from his school activities. But it’s also because He’s suffering from atopic dermatitis or what is commonly known as eczema. In 5 months, the condition of his skin became worst as it spread on his whole body. His condition made him shy that he’ll have to wear a jacket (even if the temperature outside is high he’ll try to endure it) and preferred not to mingle. We tried every medicine we can find in the market and none of them are effective. According to his doctor and from our friends who are also in the medical field, there’s no cure for this skin condition (I prefer not to call it a disease) it’s just a matter of effectively managing it with medical treatment and by avoiding irritants. My wife’s friend suggested that we try avocado lotion. We tried it. It was good but its efficacy was quite short. That’s when I realized that there’s one approach I forgot to do when applying any medicine…Prayers. How could I forget the Healer? We’re happy and thankful to God with the result for his condition have improved. I always pick up my son from school. “How’s school?” The usual question I ask him as soon as he’s in the car. “Okay!” his usual answer. For me that’s just fine, I guess. Yesterday, when I picked him up I wasn’t feeling well (maybe it’s the weather? Or my bp?) and I wasn’t in the mood to talk. When we entered our garage he handed me a yellow sheet of paper. I thought it was another permit that we need to sign to allow him to join a class field trip. This time it’s different. It’s a school invitation informing us that my son will be receiving a special award. Something that is unexpected and whatever award that is, it is something to be thankful for. Before he alighted from the car, “Dad, nag dasal ako kagabi. Sabi ko kay God kahit isa lang (award) para may surprise ako.” (“Dad, I prayed last night. I asked God to give me just one award to surprise you and Mom”). I told him, “Anak, alam ko naman na you’re doing your best.” (Son, I know that you are doing your best). “Anak, That is why we pray”. “Pero dapat hindi lang tayo hingi ng hingi. Dapat nagpe pray tayo para mag pasalamat.” (“Son, that’s why we pray.” “But we shouldn’t only pray because we are asking for something, we should also pray to thank Him”). He nodded and immediately jumped out of the car and posted the letter on our ref. “I want to surprise Mommy”, He said. I feel so blessed that my son at his young age understands the importance of prayer. I’m confident that as he grows I know that he will always ask God for help. Thank God for Sunday school teachers! Last night, before he went to bed he again reminded me about the invitation. Reminding me to make sure that I get a VIP pass from the Admin Office. I asked him, “What does VIP stand for? A “Very Important Person”, he said. “Am I a very important person?” I asked. He just laughed. “Dad, nag dasal na ako”, He told me as I leave his bedroom. Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 21:09:28 +0000

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