I consider myself rather Worldly, having lived all over including - TopicsExpress


I consider myself rather Worldly, having lived all over including Cities and Country and have helped establish six successful Businesses. So when I hear Obama trumpeting his War on Inequality, I must call Bullcrap! In fact the 90s called and they want their Policies back. Firstly, all this Racism B.S., I never even considered Skin Color until he took Office and made it a False Issue. Secondly, Income Equality is also OVER as Women hold and run most of the top jobs in Society except for in (you guessed it ) Washington! Gals virtually RULE all of our Businesses and always have. Third, the Gay Issue has been OVER since Queer Eye For The Straight Guy exploded! Being Gay has not only become Hip, but Desirable in all circles, so Bullcrap on that as well. If Gays want Marriage, have at it, its been pretty dismal for Hetros! Stoking all this HATE is alarming! I am truly frightened at the Seeds of Dissention that HE is sowing. Hold tight America and deny this Divider! Opportunity is everywhere, as MLK said Judge the Character of a Man. I venture to say, that Minorities may just have the edge on Whites with regard to access to opportunity right now, meanwhile Minorities are portrayed as Victims. If I am a straight White Guy in todays Society, I am at the bottom of the Food Chain and terrified...
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 03:56:49 +0000

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