I continue my search for a congregational home. The last 4 Sundays - TopicsExpress


I continue my search for a congregational home. The last 4 Sundays I have spent in a large UMC congregation. Going to be honest, the only reason I have been there 4 Sundays in a row is because they do offer the Eucharist every week. I will not go to a church that does not offer the Eucharist at least weekly. Other than that I have not been impressed but I have been to many a whole lot worst. HOWEVER!!! This past Sunday I was in the presence of only what I would call a miracle. The Pastor Emeritus, I guess that is what he is, preached the 2nd of a sermon in a series based on Galatians. Knowing that he was going to preach I had real doubts about attending. I have had quite a few... lets call them discussions, even heated, over theological issues particularly over Justification particularly in Biblical and Wesleyan Theology with him down through the years. The last discussion quite a few years ago was heated to say the least in front of fairly large group at Annual Conference. We were discussing whether Justification by itself was enough in Ordo Salutis. I contend from a Biblical and Wesleyan perspective it was not enough. He contended it was. I concluded my part by saying and this is pretty close to a quote: I have read a good deal of what you have published and I think it would do you well to start reading John Wesley himself and not what people say he said. It was not a gracious moment on my part I will confess to that. Well this past Sunday in this Sermon Series he said, and this is pretty close to a verbatim: Justification is not enough...he paused and then he said let me say this again Justification is not enough. I gasped! I could not believe what I had heard. I was sure I miss heard him. After the service I asked a friend who is a retired UMC minister what he heard. He looked at me and said I know what your talking about I know quite well what your position on this is and I heard him say what you have said for many a year. I am mystified at this and still chewing on this.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 04:39:11 +0000

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