I copied this article from a website of a preacher that I simply - TopicsExpress


I copied this article from a website of a preacher that I simply love and respect,even if many do not and say that is mean and bitter...well well..the brother is anything but mean and bitter,he speaks THE TRUTH so,may be,that is why not many like him....I will put his name at the end of the article,so READ and then make up your mind,you are free to like or dislike,but you NEED to read this: s there a HELL? H-E- Double Hockey Sticks, You say? The air conditioning system has been installed, and hell is not such a bad place anymore. Something over 90% of Americans surveyed believe in heaven but fewer than 20% believe in a literal burning hell. Hellfire and brimstone peaching was long ago replaced by the sharing of praise, with content filled messages now supplanted by sermonettes for Christi anettes. You often hear people say that they plan on going to hell because that is where all their friends will be. And they may be on to something. Gary Larsons Far Side cartoon presented many insightful views of hell. He drew Nerds in hell going around asking Is it hot enough for ya? In another cartoon, Satan is forcing a man to make a decision between two doors: one is labeled Damned if you do; and the other is labeled Damned if you dont My personal favorite depicts a man in hell spitting out his coffee and the caption reads Oh man! The coffees cold! They thought of everything! In July, people say that it is hotter than hell. When they hear something that surprises them, they respond with The hell, you say? In a fit of anger, Go to hell, is a common statement. Some would even say Hells bells. Cdr, Helluva deal People will tell you their job or their marriage is like Hell on earth. And who has not heard of the Repairman from hell; or the In-law from hell? John Lennon wrote a song called Imagine which suggested you should imagine no hell beneath us, above us only sky.. And arent modernist theologians quick to say that a loving God would never send a sinner to hell. Nationally known evangelist Luis Palau promised his listeners at revival meetings in Chicago that he would not even mention H-E Double Hockey Sticks. The New King James Bible, which is now neither new nor King James, claims to be a great translation of the Bible into modern day English. Meanwhile, it leaves hell untranslated as hades But whether untranslated or unbelieved or merely trivialized, hell has clearly been air-conditioned, and someone will be hanging curtains any day now. The fact remains that when you consider either mining or core sampling, the human race has barely scratched the surface of this planet and we have only educated guesses as to what lies near the center of the earth. The Lord Jesus Christ made more mention of hell than He ever did heaven; and it is curious that He would waste so much time talking about a place that did not exist. Do the reverse of John Lennon and imagine, just for a moment, that there is such a place as hell. When you die, your body starts to degenerate almost immediately. Your eternal soul slips from its mortal carcass and the force of gravity pulls it inexorably toward the center of the earth. Mile by mile you steadily grow hotter; but since you left your body in a pretty metal box, there is nothing of you to be consumed by the fire. Instead of being annihilated, your soul is merely tormented in horrific flames that cannot consume you. The hell, you say? Jesus told of a man who in hell, he lift up his eyes, being in torments. (Luke 16:23) Ironically, many modernists who want to preach All is well, there aint no hell, say the Lords account is a parable not meant to be taken literally. What makes that irony is that the Lord predicted the Bibles hell would be misinterpreted as being a mere parable. Way back in Ezekiel 20:48-49 He warned that the flaming fire shall not be quenched...all flesh shall see that I the Lord have kindled it: it shall not be quenched. Then said I, Ah Lord God, they say of me, Doth he not speak parables? Just as God does not believe in atheists (The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. Psalms 14:1), God does not lose any sleep over the hell-deniers who reject the Bible doctrine of eternal punishment. The old bumper-sticker stated that God Said It, I Believe It, and That Settles It, but the old bumper-sticker was wrong. It really doesnt matter if you believe it or not. If God said it, that settles it, whether you believe or doubt or deny. Let God be true but every man a liar. (Romans 3:4) The good news is that even though hell is real and Gods judgement of our sins is severe, Jesus Christ was set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past (Romans 3:25) and so we are Justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1) Everlasting fire was prepared for the devil and his angels, (Matthew 25:41), so let them have it. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. (Acts 16:31) Why, the H-E Double Hockey Sticks would you not? By Terence McLean
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 08:16:14 +0000

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