I copied this from a post by Rob Roger responding to a Larry - TopicsExpress


I copied this from a post by Rob Roger responding to a Larry Pickering post. Please read it and know Australians must unite to get our country and freedoms back. Before its too late. Rob Rodger The following was written by George Mansford. His words pull no punches and are very true in my way of thinking. However, for those of you who may not know George, here is a brief rundown on him: “George Mansford enlisted in the Aust. Army in 1951. He served 40 years as an infantryman; most of that time in the RAR. His service included Korea, the Malayan Emergency, Thai Border, Vietnam, New Guinea and Singapore. He was commissioned from the ranks in 1964. He raised and commanded the Army’s Battle School (which is now used by the foreign military units including USA, and UK); 11 Infantry Brigade; and the Reconnaissance and Surveillance Force in Far North Queensland. George was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1975 for outstanding services and retired in 1990 as a Brigadier. He is the author of two books; “Junior Leadership on the Battlefield” and the best selling novel, “The Mad Galahs”. G’day Fellow Ockers, I would like to think that above all I am a proud Australian and far from being a racist. It is never colour or religion but the behaviour and attitude that influences me to either accept, tolerate or simply reject an individual. If that makes me a racist then so be it. In my view, Australia has always been a proud and generous race. Migration to our big southern land down under is such an example. History clearly shows the wonderful and most successful migration from the old world to our shores, particularly in the aftermath of WW2. Such history also records how brave and determined migrants enriched our culture and became very much part of the Australia we love. However, while many of us basked in the glory created by those before us and sipping Coffee Latte, we slipped into dreamtime and apathy. We thought we were the best and that the lucky country was a god given entitlement which allowed us to sit on our arse as the rest of Planet Earth admired us from a distance. We became leeches and sucked our culture dry, did our best to distort history and encouraged political correctness with its smothering limitations and remained mute while noisy do-gooders led the push for our big brown land to take every Tom, Dick and Harry. We were so busy admiring our image that we ignored the lessons learnt and that the key to our successful history of immigration in the immediate post WW2 years was called assimilation. No such luck with many of the recent waves of migrants. There are those who don’t intend to assimilate.. How stupid and lazy we were not to wake up and see the obvious and say OOPS, no more of this mob for OZ. On the contrary we have persisted with the blunder. We have encouraged them to stay together with their past and they continue to remain in their own little world which is certainly alienated from Oz and we wonder why there are increasing hostile, non- productive and costly ghettos of various cultures in our midst? It gets worse. Despite the evidence of radicalism including arrests and convictions after attempted terrorist acts, despite the increasing hate and deaths inflicted by global terrorism, we remain in dreamtime and Politicians simply keep being Politicians, inept, pathetic and in the main with questionable IQs but with lots of cheap band aids in lieu of vision, planning and preparation. So this very day when radicalism is spreading and would be Ockers now roam the old world cutting off heads and vomiting hate, we have a government trying to establish a security plan with expensive and impromptu band aids. It is a plan which political parties should have considered and implemented decades ago. (Talk about closing the stable door after the door has bolted). We have a government which is now trying to find out ways to prevent young fanatics leaving OZ to head for the Jihad and take a few heads. Mind you, the tax payer it seems still provides such fanatics with funds from social welfare including disability pensions. Can you believe such stupidity and inefficiency with modern and sophisticated communications system available at the press of a button? So there are many questions and one of them includes the million dollar one. Just what have we done to try integrate the very young offspring of those senior migrants we knew would be very difficult if not impossible to assimilate? Just what is taught in their private schools? Do we really try and integrate students of all races and back-grounds with common purpose? Forgive me for being old fashioned but how about “One Flag, One People, One Nation.” Are they encouraged to learn about their new nation? Where are the integrated social or sport gatherings? The youth seminars? The boot camps? The challenge of the historic Kokoda Track? Just what do we do other than hand out certificates, welfare and appeasement as well as placate them with bullshit? So here we are in the once great lucky country and continue to be screwed by our political representatives and other useless bastards who sell OZ down the drain with sheer arrogance, megalomania and incompetence. We have been flogged, cheated and lied to by a never ending column of Canberra Suits whose main trade is peddling divisiveness and gimmickry Could we please have some consistent leadership and unity in the interest of our Nation. I am sure there are many like me who have had a gutful of the never ending pathetic acting in this expensive and disastrous Canberra Play. How about a bi partisan new immigration policy which creates unity and pride as well as enhances security and a sense of purpose such as pursuing the most important asset for our Nation’s tomorrow - our youth and their development no matter who they are, or where they were born? Failing that, pull down the curtains and organise a double dissolution so we can try and start again. Our Nation has surely deserves better than the current political environment. Here are a few words I wrote last night. Like it or hate it, it is as it is. Tomorrow Is What We Make Of It Often our people faced adversity to protect a precious way of life A nation of volunteers, shoulder to shoulder whatever the strife Remember the sweat and blood that made young Oz great Droughts, floods, ANZAC, Kokoda and always “she’ll be right mate” Fair dinkum generous happy people in a free and lucky land Yet given dreamtime and radicals, the following could be at hand The last footy grand final has ended with a fiery blast A few drinks at the local pub belong to the past Forget Swy and the Melbourne Cup; such events are forbidden Freedom of speech has been stolen and true history hidden Gone Easter and Xmas and the good old ham is taboo A prayer mat is now compulsory for me and you Sheilas in Bikinis will be punished cos it’s a terrible sin Hoods and black attire from the dark ages are back in Women belong in the kitchen and bedroom Told who they will marry and do it soon Prowling, prying and religious police always in sight Our beloved Southern Cross no longer glittering bright Bigots and lunatics busy bullying by day and night Laughter and joy replaced by gloom and fright No more the words of Banjo and Henry to be read Silent now the Christian faith as it cowers under the bed Missing is the carefree playground and the sound of a school bell Simply the piercing chanting cry of death to the infidel Do we have the courage to confront the reality of future strife To defend and protect our heritage and a most valued way of life It’s not too late if we amend our laws and shut the bloody gate Plus fair dinkum measures to educate them and us to assimilate Surely it’s our duty to ensure a sweet tomorrow for all who follow The joy of freedom and not oppression with bitter sorrow George Mansford©August 2014
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 07:54:03 +0000

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