I copied this post to show how the house voted on labelling - TopicsExpress


I copied this post to show how the house voted on labelling religious slaughter meat. Note this was just asking for it to be labelled to allow us to choose wether we eat meat that has suffered unnecessarily to satisfy minority groups or to eat traditionally slaughtered meat. This did not call for an outright ban, which would have been my preference. How did your MP vote and why? ASK THEM! With elections looming, let them know they are wrong and will not get your vote. parliament.uk/get-involved/contact-your-mp/ ‘(1) All products containing halal and kosher meat shall be labelled as such at the point of sale by retail and food outlets. (2) A food outlet is anywhere where food is served to the public.’.—(Philip Davies.) Brought up, and read the First time. Question put, That the clause be read a Second time. The House divided: Ayes 17, Noes 281. Division No. 277][6.59 pm AYES Bone, Mr Peter Bridgen, Andrew Davies, Philip Evans, Mr Nigel Fitzpatrick, Jim Gray, Mr James Henderson, Gordon Hermon, Lady Hoey, Kate McCartney, Jason Paisley, Ian Percy, Andrew Reevell, Simon Shannon, Jim Smith, Henry Turner, Mr Andrew Walker, Mr Charles Tellers for the Ayes: Mr David Nuttall and Mr Philip Hollobone NO VOTES Adams, Nigel Afriyie, Adam Aldous, Peter Andrew, Stuart Arbuthnot, rh Mr James Bacon, Mr Richard Baker, Steve Baldry, rh Sir Tony Barclay, Stephen Bebb, Guto Beith, rh Sir Alan Bellingham, Mr Henry Beresford, Sir Paul Berry, Jake Bingham, Andrew Binley, Mr Brian Blackman, Bob Blunt, Crispin Boles, Nick Bottomley, Sir Peter Bradley, Karen Brake, rh Tom Brazier, Mr Julian Brine, Steve Brokenshire, James Brooke, Annette Browne, Mr Jeremy Bruce, Fiona Bruce, rh Sir Malcolm Buckland, Mr Robert Burns, rh Mr Simon Burrowes, Mr David Burstow, rh Paul Burt, Lorely Byles, Dan Cairns, Alun Campbell, rh Sir Menzies Carmichael, rh Mr Alistair Carmichael, Neil Carswell, Mr Douglas Cash, Mr William Chishti, Rehman Clappison, Mr James Clark, rh Greg Clifton-Brown, Geoffrey Coffey, Dr Thérèse Collins, Damian Colvile, Oliver Cox, Mr Geoffrey Crabb, Stephen Crockart, Mike Davies, David T. C. (Monmouth) Davies, Glyn de Bois, Nick Dinenage, Caroline Djanogly, Mr Jonathan Dorrell, rh Mr Stephen Dorries, Nadine Doyle-Price, Jackie Drax, Richard Duddridge, James Duncan, rh Mr Alan Duncan Smith, rh Mr Iain Ellis, Michael Ellison, Jane Ellwood, Mr Tobias Elphicke, Charlie Eustice, George Evans, Graham Evennett, Mr David Fabricant, Michael Fallon, rh Michael Featherstone, Lynne Field, Mark Foster, rh Mr Don Fox, rh Dr Liam Francois, rh Mr Mark Freeman, George Fullbrook, Lorraine Fuller, Richard Garnier, Sir Edward Gauke, Mr David Gibb, Mr Nick Gilbert, Stephen Glen, John Goodwill, Mr Robert Gove, rh Michael Green, rh Damian Greening, rh Justine Grieve, rh Mr Dominic Griffiths, Andrew Gummer, Ben Gyimah, Mr Sam Halfon, Robert Hames, Duncan Hammond, rh Mr Philip Hancock, Matthew Hands, rh Greg Harper, Mr Mark Harrington, Richard Harris, Rebecca Hart, Simon Harvey, Sir Nick Haselhurst, rh Sir Alan Hayes, rh Mr John Heald, Oliver Heath, Mr David Heaton-Harris, Chris Hemming, John Henderson, Gordon Hendry, Charles Herbert, rh Nick Hinds, Damian Hoban, Mr Mark Hopkins, Kris Howarth, Sir Gerald Howell, John Hughes, rh Simon Hunt, rh Mr Jeremy Hunter, Mark Huppert, Dr Julian Hurd, Mr Nick Jackson, Mr Stewart James, Margot Javid, rh Sajid Jenkin, Mr Bernard Johnson, Gareth Johnson, Joseph Jones, Andrew Jones, rh Mr David Jones, Mr Marcus Kawczynski, Daniel Kelly, Chris Kennedy, rh Mr Charles Kirby, Simon Knight, rh Sir Greg Kwarteng, Kwasi Lamb, Norman Lancaster, Mark Lansley, rh Mr Andrew Latham, Pauline Laws, rh Mr David Leadsom, Andrea Lee, Jessica Lee, Dr Phillip Leech, Mr John Lefroy, Jeremy Leigh, Sir Edward Leslie, Charlotte Lewis, Brandon Lewis, Dr Julian Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian Lidington, rh Mr David Lloyd, Stephen Lopresti, Jack Luff, Sir Peter Lumley, Karen Macleod, Mary Maude, rh Mr Francis May, rh Mrs Theresa Maynard, Paul McCartney, Jason McCartney, Karl McIntosh, Miss Anne McLoughlin, rh Mr Patrick McPartland, Stephen McVey, rh Esther Menzies, Mark Metcalfe, Stephen Miller, Andrew Milton, Anne Moore, rh Michael Mordaunt, Penny Morgan, Nicky Morris, Anne Marie Morris, David Morris, James Mosley, Stephen Mowat, David Mulholland, Greg Mundell, rh David Munt, Tessa Neill, Robert Newton, Sarah Nokes, Caroline OBrien, rh Mr Stephen Offord, Dr Matthew Ollerenshaw, Eric Opperman, Guy Ottaway, rh Sir Richard Paice, rh Sir James Parish, Neil Patel, Priti Paterson, rh Mr Owen Pawsey, Mark Penning, rh Mike Penrose, John Percy, Andrew Perry, Claire Phillips, Stephen Pickles, rh Mr Eric Pincher, Christopher Poulter, Dr Daniel Prisk, Mr Mark Pugh, John Raab, Mr Dominic Randall, rh Sir John Reckless, Mark Redwood, rh Mr John Rees-Mogg, Jacob Reid, Mr Alan Rifkind, rh Sir Malcolm Robertson, rh Hugh Robertson, Mr Laurence Rosindell, Andrew Rudd, Amber Russell, Sir Bob Rutley, David Sanders, Mr Adrian Sandys, Laura Scott, Mr Lee Selous, Andrew Shapps, rh Grant Sharma, Alok Shelbrooke, Alec Shepherd, Sir Richard Simpson, Mr Keith Skidmore, Chris Smith, Chloe Smith, Julian Smith, Sir Robert Soames, rh Nicholas Soubry, Anna Spelman, rh Mrs Caroline Stanley, rh Sir John Stephenson, Andrew Stevenson, John Stewart, Bob Stewart, Iain Stewart, Rory Streeter, Mr Gary Stride, Mel Stuart, Mr Graham Sturdy, Julian Swales, Ian Swayne, rh Mr Desmond Swire, rh Mr Hugo Syms, Mr Robert Tapsell, rh Sir Peter Thornton, Mike Thurso, John Tomlinson, Justin Tredinnick, David Truss, Elizabeth Uppal, Paul Vaizey, Mr Edward Vara, Mr Shailesh Vickers, Martin Walker, Mr Robin Wallace, Mr Ben Walter, Mr Robert Weatherley, Mike Webb, Steve Wharton, James Wheeler, Heather White, Chris Whittaker, Craig Wiggin, Bill Williams, Mr Mark Williams, Roger Williams, Stephen Williamson, Gavin Willott, Jenny Wilson, Mr Rob Wollaston, Dr Sarah Wright, Jeremy Wright, Simon Yeo, Mr Tim Young, rh Sir George Zahawi, Nadhim Tellers for the Noes: Harriett Baldwin and Gavin Barwell Question accordingly negatived. Why not ask your mp why he voted against it... I have and I have shared this list as widely as possible. Plus questioned my mp vote in local news paper on line. Got out their people, start pushing back. Make you MP work for you.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 07:09:31 +0000

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