I could not resist. THE PHILADELPHIA POLICE are SAD about being - TopicsExpress


I could not resist. THE PHILADELPHIA POLICE are SAD about being HATED! What a Philly Cop Admitted to Me before an Anti-Police Violence Rally by Flood the Drummer Award-wining journalist. CEO, Techbook Online techbookonline Some Philly police are ready for dialogue, but are anti-police violence protesters ready to talk? I easily counted nearly fifty police officers standing guard during a recent anti-police violence rally in Center City Philadelphia. From beat cops and bike cops, to civil affairs officers and lieutenants, law enforcement had a heavy presence at the Muslims Mobilized Against Police Brutality event, which was one of two anti-police violence direct actions scheduled in the City for the weekend after Christmas. As I approached closer to where the rally would actually take place, I was stopped by two friendly Philadelphia police officers who I speak with often when covering acts of civil disobedience in the town square. They wanted to inquire how the protests could somehow morph into a conversation – or a series of them – that focus on finding common ground that’ll extend itself organically to a sustainable community policing model. What promoted his question was the sadness that he and his colleagues are feeling due to what they perceived is “hatefulness” directed towards them personally for officer-involved shootings that took place in other cities. READ MORE @ phillyinfocus/2014/12/28/what-a-philly-cop-admitted-to-me-before-an-anti-police-violence-rally/ My answer : I was always trying to talk, but as one 14th district police officer said to me, Everyone knows that land next you is contaminated and they know you are ill, but nobody is ever going to help you because Philadelphia is corrupt and always will be corrupt. There was a period of time when I was being burglarized, vandalized and terrorized by a gang of males who hung out in the row house next to me. They knew I was an easy target because the police nor anyone in the city would help me with anything. I kept reporting the thefts and the police did nothing. The guys would sit on my porch with guns and talk guns and throw rocks at me if I tried to get into my house. One afternoon, I had to park my car around the corner because of the years of politically connected construction had the street blocked off. I was always tired due to the dust of demolition with no permits and then the excavation of land that had been a dumping ground for industrial chemicals for decades. I was poisoned. I went to lie down in my bed. Suddenly this six foot plus guy was in my bedroom. I get angry when people mess with me and got up and started lecturing him non stop like I was his mother. I called the police over and over for 3 hours while keeping him on the porch- talking non stop. Finally I called the 14th a final time saying- I have the guy-where are you? They took him in but he had not taken anything yet and they didnt find anything on him and they let him go. Then he and his gang got worse and more violent. They knew they could do anything to me because the city leaders who were covering up the environmental and other problems on their construction site started rumors that I was crazy as soon as I reported about the demolition and other problems. The ward leader- who now works for the D.A. office went around and spread rumors on my street and I was affected by the chemicals and not doing well. Anyway, the crimes were getting worse and I called outside the 14th district and got Detective George Moseley to re-open the case. He picked up two of them and cleared the house of the gang. They confessed to the crimes and were stealing from others too, as well as stealing a car from a neighbor. I was so traumatized that I was in Victims of Crime counseling. Alberta James, the victim advocate, from the D.A. office called the therapist and asked what was going on because when she talked to the 14th district (Officer John ) , they denied any crimes and said I was crazy, not knowing that Detective Moseley had picked them up and they confessed. Ive been writing a book about all the corruption in Philadelphia and what happened in the NW and recently found the police report for the theft. I looked up the culprits name and found that he was arrested again this past September 2014 in Maryland ( maybe NJ) It was burglary of a womans house and this time he had a gun. Ive been writing a book about all the corruption in Philadelphia & what happened in the NW & recently found the police report for the theft. I looked up the culprits name & discovered he was arrested again this past September 2014 in Maryland. Burglary of a womans house & this time he had a gun. I guess hes a career criminal now. The police & Phila.gov made a free will choice to terrorize me & cause multiple hospitalizations for years & are still at it. The had an equal free will choice to be good leaders and protect me from crimes instead of committing crimes against me. I think the police and city need radical transformation and a few scared apologies & public relations campaign arent going to cut it. The people are not going to buy it anymore. Phila.gov has been destroying innocent lives for decades. I live with the injury every single day. Police & abuse of power crimes are not forgivable. It is the City and Police that are going to have to figure out what to do. I suggest they start therapy and practice restorative justice and get honest. Oh my. Just saw the sadness the police are feeling about being hated. I wake every single morning ill and disabled from their sensitivity and glee at perpetuating hate crimes toward me everyday since 2006. This is sweet.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:17:42 +0000

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