I couldnt agree more. Had to do a homework sheet with division - TopicsExpress


I couldnt agree more. Had to do a homework sheet with division with Jimmy last night. 4 problems, took about 45 minutes to write out all their silly steps. And there was at least 15 steps in each problem where there could be an error in transposing. Kids can count to ten before kindergarten. Our children are not idiots. Of the 4 problems, using the common core steps, Jimmy originally had 3 wrong. We worked through them together, and figured them out. It took me quite a while to understand the steps and I have a B.S. In Mechanical Engineering. The real kicker.... After 45 minutes for Jimmy to write down the common core steps, I gave him the same 4 problems on a separate sheet of paper and told him to solve them any way he likes. 3 minutes, and 4 of 4 correct. What a waste of time and energy to increase a childs chances of failure. No wonder our children are loosing interest in education and failing. Imagine knowing the answer to a problem you can figure out in your head, and still not being able to get the answer you already know you should.... its frustrating as hell for them. Time to stop the insanity. Common core handicaps our children, their creativity, and the ability of educators to find the best methods to get the message across to each child. We are teaching children that even if you can prove your solution, its not correct unless you use the prescribed method. So much for Mathematics in this country. Imagine if we imposed these restrictions on Maxwell... (Look up Maxwell s equations if youre not familiar). Or any of the worlds historically great mathemiticians... What educator(s) decided this would be beneficial to our children? Nice experiment, doesnt work. Lets end the madness.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 13:39:16 +0000

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