I couldnt do what my daughter in law does. There is no way I - TopicsExpress


I couldnt do what my daughter in law does. There is no way I could deal with 28 to 30 smartalek smartmouthed teenagers who think they know everything every day lol. I believe teaching is a calling just like working in a nursing home is. Not everyone can do it and God richly bless those who can. I much prefer the older generation who have already learned their manners. Teaching is an awesome and heavy responsibility. Teachers are shaping the minds of our future. Their work doesnt end when that last bell rings. They take their work home with them every day. Whether its papers to grade or the worries about the kid who doesnt do his work or the one that doesnt have lunch money. Teachers are often the only parenting some kids have. There are, however good teachers and bad teachers like it or not, just like there are good and bad nurses, nurse aides and med aides and I am of the opinion that the bad ones need to be exposed. Parents need to know what is going on in their childs school. If that exposes a bad teacher or one who doesnt care about their students then so be it. One doesnt go into the nursing or teaching profession for the money. The rewards are certainly not in your paycheck! However, some go into these fields for the job security or the tenure. Some are just counting the days until they can retire. Some start out good and just get burned out. Its horrifying what is being taught in our schools today. The teachers values are being impressed on our children whether they are meant to be or not. We need good teachers, not teachers who are there for a paycheck or tenure. Our education system needs to be reformed! Anyway, I will get off my soapbox for now.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 10:11:04 +0000

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