I couldnt sleep last night to be honest. I didnt know how to - TopicsExpress


I couldnt sleep last night to be honest. I didnt know how to respond r whether I even should. But after reading all family and friends comments over and over, I thought to my self, if someone was attacking someone I love I would defend them with everything in me. So let me share something with you that I feel that because you love us you should know: I have a lil baby sister name Twangiee, she works 10 + hours a day doing nails and feet 6 days a week. She will give my kids all her tip $ plus more, takes them to go eat at nice restaurant, and buys them all the fun stuff that me as a mom wont. And she takes care of them!! I have one brother name Canh with his wife Hong, he cuts my boys hairs for free, will fix my cars r takes my cars to someone to show him how to and fix it for me, he also fixes all the lil things that breaks in my house with my dad. I have another sister name Thuy, who works all the time but will take the kids to her house on her only day off and spend what I call stupid $ on them. lol I have a cousin name Truong,and his wife Hanh, who will take my kids to church, hunting, and make sure we have a place to stay so we dont have to get a room when we go play ball. I have a beautiful lil cousin name Phuong, who goes to school and works part time but she will buy my kids a $80 pair of shoes and always comes get me whenever and where ever I need. I have another cousin name D.j. Burnz and Loan, who helps me take care of my kids and is their greatest fan. Anybody will tell you that my poor kids dont get toys for christmas r bdays. They get cleats, shinguards, balls, bats, shoes, booksacks, $ for the things they need. They even share one toy for Christmas and birthdays. So what may look like Im rolling in dough its not. Its because of these ppl that my kids r able to have what they have. My kids eat the dollar menu at mcd, a happy meal is a waste of $ with they r with me. We go watch a movie and dinner when they r rewarded for something that they did. I have an extended family that when they heard that Blaine had died, drove from far and wide to be with me. To make sure that I had the strength to stand tall and to see that the kids and I were ok. I have friends that I havent seen r spoke to text me and said, I dont care if u will pick up the phone r not, Im coming to be with you and theres nothing that will stop me. But the most important ppl are my Mom and Dad. Believe it r not they were an arrange marriage. They came to America with one gold necklace and their wedding bands. They r the type of parents that worked every shift for every holiday to try and make a living for us. They grow all their veggies and eat mostly what they catch for food. They will go to the store and buy truckloads of toilet paper because its on sale for all the kids and family lol. My mother literally has so much food made for us that I would never be hungry. They were compensated for the damages in the oil spill but instead of doing for them they choose to help me and my kids get a roof over our heads. So we can have a better life. They believe that theres a place and time to spend your hard working dollar. They have taught us the real meaning of FAMILY. I live in a small town of Maurice, where the ppl have put their arms around me and told me that they think Im a wonderful person and great mother. They genuinely love us. These ppl have allowed their children to come play with mine. That means alot to me. They defended me, supported me, praised me and told me if I ever needed anything to just please let them know. I had a husband name Blaine, we were high school sweethearts. We have had a lot of trials in our lives. For better r worst we choose to try and work things out for our children. Blaine lost his dad when he was 8 and struggle with all that came with not having a father. We spoke alot about how he felt. Its just so surreal that this is happening again. Blaine is gone, may he rest in peace. Blaine was smart enough to alway tell me to alway tell the person u love that u love them before u say goodbye. He did just that. My last words to him were not! I wish I could take that back. Blaine was patience, kind, and loved his family. Blaine wasnt perfect and had many struggles. But neither was I. Blaine had a gift of never staying mad. I wish I had that gift. Blaine blessed me with the my GREATEST love. He praised me for being a Good mother and blame himself for the horrible wife that I was. I need to remember that! Blaine entrusted me with his world. OUR CHILDREN!!! U will not get the reaction that u r hoping for. My kids will be HAPPY and LOVED! DID U HEAR THAT!!! We love U!!! YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW.........Even after Im gone! Daddy and Mommy loves u and u r the most IMPORTANT persons in our lives!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 14:38:06 +0000

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