I couldnt sleep so I thought I would tell you what was on my - TopicsExpress


I couldnt sleep so I thought I would tell you what was on my mind.. Well here it goes.. Im sure every generation has some form of grudge against the government for whatever reason(s). But it goes beyond that with the current admin. Never before has a President ever been questioned about his place of birth as Barack, never before have we had a President that had a foreign exchange student college tuition paper trail TO America. Never before have we had a government mandate health insurance policy, that give breaks for congress & 200% increases for everyone else. Your weak, ignorant, power hungry, and UN-AMERICAN. Really your senseless spending shows your no better then a 10 yr old with a credit card. You flat out SUCK at your job. You hate the U.S. Constitution, and you HATE what America stands for.. BUT.. That being said, Im lucky, Im lucky that your just a speed bump, lucky that we will learn from our BIG mistake (you) and lucky that I still have the right to say this to you. But you.. Your super lucky.. Lucky your ass aint white or Al Sharpton wouldve had you impeached, fired, and out of office on a dozen charges and lawsuits. For 50 different reasons. But your not white. And therefore I guess you get a pass. Because WE ALL know that if you were white, you doing the samethings your doing now would NOT be accepted. So I say this. Grow some balls ask your wife if you can have them back for a little while, get back on track and focus. Crazy islamic radicals are killing my fellow Americans and pushing or killing minority (Christian) religions out of the Middle East and you want to play golf and ride your huffy. Good lord man get with the program. Your anti American, unpatriotic, marxism, communism is showing..
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 08:34:19 +0000

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