I couldn’t sleep last night and decided to listen to a message - TopicsExpress


I couldn’t sleep last night and decided to listen to a message from T.D. Jakes, instead of counting sheep. I have so many favorite messages from this man but felt compelled to listen to this one titled: Leave this situation alone. Needless to say I had church last night in the comfort of my bedroom. I wanted to share the notes I took because I am positive someone other than me needs to hear this! I have often found myself thinking lately, “Lord, when will you fix this” and convincing Him he needs my help. Today I am more confident than I was yesterday that He is at work. Be blessed my friends . . . He’ll get you out of it!!! Matthew 29-30: But he said, No; for while you are gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn. When the wheat came up the weeds came up with it! On one hand the wheat is coming up but at the same time the weeds are coming up. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just enjoy the wheat without the weeds? But that is not how it works. They both came up together – good times and bad times come up together. Don’t expect trouble to hide from you because you are doing good! New levels only means one thing: new devils! Whenever you set out in your mind to commit to something good, the enemy is plotting how to sabotage you. It’s not because you are wrong – it is happening because you are right! Whenever you try to do something good and something bad comes out of nowhere, trying to destroy the something good, we immediately feel like WE have to do something!! We have the tendency to think we need to fix what is going wrong in our lives, or in the lives of others. God has a strategy but we have to get out of the way. God is good at getting people out of trouble all we have to do is wait on the Lord. For every struggle – he has a strategy! Struggles never take God by surprise! God’s strategies however, usually make us think He is crazy! For example, check out God’s strategies listed here: “Naaman, you are full of leprosy! Go take a bath in dirty water 7 times” “Joshua, it’s time to fight the battle at Jericho. No, you won’t need a sword! Just take a walk! Once around the wall every day and on the 7th day take seven walks” “Samson the philistines are coming to get you!! I am not going to give you a bow or a knife, take the jaw bone of an ass” Just because his strategy is crazy does not mean it wont work. The problem is we are so busy saving ourselves that we don’t listen for his strategy! For every tear drop in your life – there is a strategy For every heartache in your life – there is a strategy Remember, it is satans job to keep us so busy that we can’t hear God’s strategy for our lives! Whatever you are going through, leave it alone! God doesn’t need us to do anything but stand back and work it out. If He started it, He will finish. He is our deliverer, He is our way maker! So let’s stop wrestling for control of the wheel and let God drive, and TRUST that when he drives us through valleys filled with mud and decay, that it is our path to the mountaintop. So let’s praise him in advance. God hates debt! When you praise God for something he has not yet done, you are putting him in debt. But remember this: God always pays his bills!!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 23:23:21 +0000

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