I´d like to share a special email from Elsa here. She´s one of - TopicsExpress


I´d like to share a special email from Elsa here. She´s one of our staunchest activists against Political Islam and kindly gave her consent to share it with you. Here´s her email text : I flew off the handle the other day - because someone did something that endangered the life of my dog. I will skip the story. In that case, you may ask, whats the point of bringing this up? Sometimes something pushes us too far. And also sometimes were closer to our personal edge. And yet a blog I particularly like is CitizenWarrior - because of the caring, reasonable tone. No ranting or raving. No losing their cool. Nothing, it seems, pushes Citizen Warrior too far. The same goes for Bill Warners Political Islam - loads of information, and a reasonable tone. Yet over this past year, Bill Warner has come to urge people to go for the emotions. Where is the moral outrage, he asks, about the persecution of Christians? But his own tone stays reasonable. What works best? How best to reach people? An important question. Flying off the handle may do it. I remember a scene from a long ago movie, To Sir With Love - about a teacher who manages to reach students headed for drop out in a London slum. The scene: the teacher blows up. Its the turning point in his relationship with his students. At that moment he connects with them. But he doesnt blow up in hatred. It comes from care, plus a heaping helping of frustration. He also doesnt say anything intended to hurt: no insults, no ridicule. Hes just been pushed too far. More often blowing up does not work, just leads to more distance. Why bring all this up? Im always on the quest for better ways of reaching people - re Islam, re anything. I see that we dont have music on our side. We dont have counter-jihad sitcoms. In general, stuff where the mainstream media has a lot of power - we dont currently have that. We do have books, newswires and blogs - both info blogs and analytical blogs. JihadWatch. AtlasShrugs. GatesOfVienna. PointeDeBascule. On and on and on. One thing they do, if we subscribe to one or many, is give us a stream of information, keep Islam in our line of vision. We also have ever more people, from somewhat aware of the dangers of Islam to intensely committed to countering Islamization and mass Muslim influx into the West. Most recently, Ive been noticing the tens of thousands taking to the streets of Germany weekly against Islamization and mass Muslim influx: gatestoneinstitute.org/4951/germans-islamization-pegida (In the mainstream German media, of course theres a huge outcry against the horrible prejudice that the protests show: we must discuss and get past this, etc.) Still, weve come a huge distance over the past 2 decades - in the number of people aware and the extent of information available about Islamic ideology, Islamic history, the Muslim Brotherhood, the varieties of jihad, the multi-trillion halal industry. The halal industry, by the way - 2 to 3 trillion dollars a year, at present, I read recently - due to go up to 15 trillion in a decade or so, mainly through non-Muslims funding Islam, unless the industry is exposed in a big way: pickeringpost/story/how-the-saudis-spend-your-grocery-money/4189 halalchoices.au/ One question: how best do we reach lots and lots more people with all this information, people currently resistant to it? I have a slightly different question: What has worked best for you? Maybe especially, do you have any surprise success stories? I also have a second question: Is there any resource, help, assistance, that you would especially like, in your counter-jihad efforts? Next week, Ill publish the answers I get. They will be linked to The Freedom Community, which has, as a major goal, effective actions worldwide. (If you write, please let me know if you want me to include your name. Otherwise, I will publish using some random initials.) And now, as always, all the best to all of us who care and dare, Elsa PS. And heres a photo of the dog I was referring to, right at the start. For a story about him, written 3 years before he became my dog, here is Whose Dog Is It Anyway?: On Pets, Pet Ownership, Slavery elsas-word-story-image-idea-music-emporium/animal-rights-and-more.html How did he come to be my dog? The people who owned him eventually no longer wanted him.Pasted Graphic.tiff PPS. Like many people, I know that no loving deity could possibly be associated with Islam - just because of its negative attitude to dogs. There is much more to it, of course. PPPS. For me, the horror story of the week is about the beheading of 4 Christian children, all under 15, for refusing to renounce Christianity. Like the rest of the world, I did not see one billion Muslims protesting against this atrocity. Muslim outrage, it seems, is much more linked to cartoons deemed offensive. May our love reach these children. (End of the email text) barenakedislam/2014/12/09/four-iraqi-christian-kids-beheaded-after-refusing-to-convert-to-islam-telling-isis-no-we-love-jesus/
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:10:59 +0000

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