I decided to pay a brief visit to see what kind of drivel Sam is - TopicsExpress


I decided to pay a brief visit to see what kind of drivel Sam is spewing. I see that nothing has improved. If anything, Sam is drifting further into trivial irrelevance. There is nothing in this diatribe that provides information or insight about libertarianism.... nor anything else for that matter. Consider the title of this episode, Libertarians, Is This The Best You Got? They say there is no such thing as a stupid question. But if Sam honestly thinks that one persons opinion about respect for libertarianism is, The Best You Got? then it simply reveals Sams complete ignorance of libertarianism. I dont believe that Sam is stupid, nor do I believe that he is as ignorant about libertarianism as he pretends to be. He must have an ulterior motive. Having watched a few of Sams productions over the years, I think I know what Sams ulterior motive is. He cant stand the thought of living in a world where people are free to pursue their own interests. Especially when it comes to money. In Sams world, whats his is his, and whats yours is his. And he is god damned determined to tell you how to spend your money. After all, Sam proudly calls himself a progressive. He wants to stick his hands down your pocket. Unless you aint got a pocket, in which case, Sam wants to help you by sticking his hands down someone elses pocket. Such a liberal. Such a progressive. Such a moral hypocrite. Libertarians admit, frankly and honestly that there is no magic bullet. Sam ridicules the idea as though there is a magic bullet and HE knows what it is. (Hint: other peoples money. Wow, what a BIG idea!) Sams morality sits at the same level as any teenaged shoplifter. His hyena chorus, abundantly evident in this episode, reinforces the adolescent quality of Sams entire schtick. I drive a cab for a living. In my job, I encounter scummy, mooching low-lifes all the time. People who short-change you. People who rip you off or try to con you. People who see you as the evil, greedy capitalist who has the audacity to ask for payment. People who would probably love Sam Seder for giving them a moral pretense for their depravity. Hey cabbie, whatever happened to share the wealth? Sam, Is This The Best You Got?
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 08:51:01 +0000

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