I decided to re-post this comment tonight for I believed I posted - TopicsExpress


I decided to re-post this comment tonight for I believed I posted it kind of late last night and as such not many persons saw it or got a chance to respond to it—Impartial Thinker A pleasant goodnight to everyone! My intention for setting up this FB account was to create a conduit for open discussion with as many Christians as possible on various issues. I must emphatically say at the outset this is not a platform to bash anyone for we are all one in Christ. I don’t care what label you associate with you are all Christ’s, it is He that died, yea is risen and lives forevermore and has purchased us with His precious blood! On this note let’s look at Mark 2:27-28: And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: 28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. As we begin this investigation, let me say that I am not questioning the correctness of Jesus’ statement of the passage in relation to the grain field incident, but the spin that I have seen placed on the passage to promote Sabbath observance “the Sabbath was made for man” meaning all men and not just Jews and a pretext is laid for the assumption that it was given to man at creation before there was ever a Jew!! Yes the passage did say it was “made for man” but what does that mean in relation to the discussion that went on in the grain field which for the sake of brevity, centered on the question of authority! And Mark’s gospel centers upon this very theme namely who Jesus is—the Son of God!! But we will come back to this in due time! Let’s look at Genesis 2, again for the sake of brevity, if the Sabbath was given to man as a creation institution as some say, there should be evidence of this here! Said another way if I have a gift for you then I should give it to you or else I defeat the purpose of the gift! But there is no account of the Sabbath being given to man here or of man resting on it!! As matter of fact ONLY God keeps it and rests on it, He is the one who worked for 6 days and rested on the seventh—the scripture couldn’t be plainer!! There is no doubt marriage was given as a creation institution, for one can see the continuity as one rummages through the pages of Genesis, for one would read something like this—this one married this person and begat this one and this one etc.., but I look in vain for any continuity concerning Sabbath observance! So this brings us back to Mark, what did Jesus mean and how should one interpret this passage?? We should be careful not to import into the text what is not there, this is called eisegesis. Finally I think the Sabbath question is a fruitful field of study and will yield bountiful rewards and deepen one’s relationship with God, for it furnishes us an opportunity to behold His love, concern and ability to take care of His own not just in terms creation but also of recreation. Let me know what you think family!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 23:15:43 +0000

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