I decided to start this page: Our Journey with Plexus, because I - TopicsExpress


I decided to start this page: Our Journey with Plexus, because I didnt want to inundate my friends/colleagues with Plexus products and information. If you know me-then you know my journey with health issues. However, I will give a quick run down. 16 years ago, a little after my sons birth, I got real sick with the Epstein Barr Virus. I was diagnosed shortly after with CFS/Fibro. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Disease and as a result have : hypothyroidism, high Triglycerides, pre-diabetic, and the CFS/Fibro has just gotten worse with age. So, fast forward to 2 weeks ago. I had already lost 18 pounds through carb restriction, but I had loose skin and it looked horrible. I have always loved my legs, because they were always tone, no matter my size. But, I looked in the mirror and saw no muscle tone, just jiggle. Gross! So, I called my friend and old personal trainer ( who moved 45 minutes away from me), and she agreed to come and train me. With a shoulder, I just have to be careful with how much pressure I put on it- and this is post 2 years surgery. Add on top of that-my FATIGUE!!! My head is active and alive, but my body wont let me do the things I wish I could do. So, it was common 5 years ago, when I was working out with my trainer, it was a regular occurrence that I would work out one day a week and be flat on my back for a week afterwards b/c my body would crash. So, I was told by neighbor that her niece was taking Plexus Slim for her CFS/Fibro and her grand-niece too for RA. Well, that perked my ears. Im not so concerned about the weight loss as I am with the energy and insomnia. Why? Because it doesnt matter how much I want to work out-if I dont have the energy and am in pain-then Im lucky I can get out of bed! I took the 3 day packet, so did my husband, and I woke up for the first time in a really long time with energy and I woke up early!! If you know me-it has to be a dr apt or school in session, to wake up early b/c Im not a naturally early riser!! After 3 days, I figured, I would try the 7 day packet b/c I thought maybe I was having a placebo effect where I wanted to feel good, and therefore, I felt good. Well, I am now in day 10, and I feel more energized that I have ever felt in a long time. I am not taking my daily naps, I get naturally tired at night, but Im not slushing through the day. I havent cancelled a workout, Im walking with my neighbor, and Im doing more at home than I ever have in a really long time. When I really knew this was helping me deal with my CFS/Fibro was when I took my daughter to the park last Friday. For the first time since she has been little, I actually felt energized enough and pain free to PLAY with her at the park, rather than SIT at the park from my pain and fatigue. I wanted to cry!!! This is a huge impact in my life. I decided to become a distributor (Ambassador), not because I want the money or see this as a business. It was for these 2 reasons: 1) this is a life time product I need to be on daily to feel better 2) I want to save money since Im taking it everyday and so is my husband. So, this is my journey so far. No, I have not lost weight. But, my energy and pain free days are here and I havent felt that in a long time. And, that is not something I can take for granted and if it means taking a supplement to feel better-then I will do it. Im not taking my vitamin B12 shots bi-monthly (which lasted for about 3-5 days). And-Im more present in my familys life than I have been in a very long time. xx, Lisa
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 02:57:15 +0000

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