I despise fat shaming - but that doesnt mean I condone skinny - TopicsExpress


I despise fat shaming - but that doesnt mean I condone skinny shaming. We shouldnt be putting down each others bodies. Period. End of story. And yes, in recent years its been bigger women (and men) getting the shit end of the stick but that doesnt justify putting down skinny people. Bodies are beautiful. A healthy body is different for everyone. Some people are made to be really thin, and some people are meant to have more meat on their bones. Rather than focusing on some arbitrary beauty standard, we should all focus on being the healthiest individual we can be. But being healthy isnt always easy, and for some people thats something we have to take baby steps towards. Get this, though: Theres nothing wrong with loving your body even if you arent the healthiest you that you can be. Its OKAY to feel beautiful if youre a little heavier than where you should be, or you think your body would be happier with a few more pounds. I know Im probably fifty pounds over where my body would be happy. If I lost much less than that, or tried to get down to the weight some of my friends are at naturally, Id look like an emaciated cow - whereas they just look like willowy goddesses. So my goal isnt skinny anymore. My goal is to like what I see in the mirror. And even now, there are days when I struggle to love my body, but for the most part I can look at myself and go, yeah, Im a cutie. Thats one of the first steps to loving yourself wholly and fully. Im not perfect, but I still love me this way is a great mentality, ESPECIALLY if we keep striving towards improving ourselves and making ourselves the best we can be. And as a last note, make sure you love yourself for yourself. You do not need to get thin because men only like skinny women or gain weight because men only like women with a bit of meat on their bones. Never EVER change yourself based on what other people like. Guys, you dont need to bulk up because girls like that. If YOU dont like whats in the mirror, YOU change that - for yourself. Thats it. Screw the scale, screw the media, screw what everyone else says. Be beautiful for yourself, and others will see that beauty too - but you wont need them to anymore.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 18:33:50 +0000

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