I did a bit of cleaning up in the gym... The place was awfully - TopicsExpress


I did a bit of cleaning up in the gym... The place was awfully filthy 😝 Yesterdays training was a full body power complex session, and included 10x3 power hang cleans (HPC), along with other circuits. The video here shows me hang cleaning 55kg (left) and 40kg (right). The power clean is an Olympic lift which requires a high degree of flexibility and coordination. Its a very technical lift, and really difficult to learn and execute properly. It takes numerous reps to nail technique and execute. As Im not an OLY lifter, and dont have an in-depth knowledge of the sport, I wouldnt even attempt a full clean without the supervision of a coach. The power hang clean however are a great alternative, doable, manageable and you can attain almost the same benefits as the full power clean. The HPC can offer so many physical benefits, regardless of your fitness goal! Its a full body movement that improves the power output of your hips, legs, and shoulders. It requires movement from almost everywhere.. From the wrist, elbow, shoulder, traps, ankle, knee, to your hip joints! The foremost benefit of the hang power clean is its ability to train muscular power, that is the combination of your strength AND speed. As the movement is fast and explosive, it promotes quick-firing muscle contractions! This is why sprinters and jumpers alike would incorporate such an exercise into their training. It fires the same muscles as whats used on the track! Mind you... My form is far from brilliant. Im sure my OLY friends will agree with me too, and have lots to pick out 🙈 Firstly, as Flyefit isnt a high performance (HP) gym, they dont have womens bars. These bars are lighter (10kg and 15kg), and have a smaller grips for us women who usually have smaller hands than men. Male OLY lifters use the 20kg bar, which is fatter in grip. I had to make do with the 20kg bar yesterday.. And I wont lie, the bar ripped into my hands and grip, as I couldnt get a proper hook grip on the bar. This obviously effected my technique a lot! Im also extending over the bar too much in the dip position - Im going too far beyond the knee region, while my back should be more upright too. While my elbows need to be in a more upright position when on locking out, so that the bar rests purely on my shoulders and my clavicle isnt effected. Any OLY lifters following the page, feel free to comment on my form and any advice is welcome ☺️ darraghhayes
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 11:00:30 +0000

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