I did a piece for my club at church and thought its worth sharing - TopicsExpress


I did a piece for my club at church and thought its worth sharing with you my friends as well. The theme is "how generous are you". Most often than not people associate generosity with money. That is a good thing and indeed it is measurable so you are able to calculate the worth of the generous offer. But is generosity all about money? I dare say no and indeed can enumerate a lot of other non monetary gestures that mean more to our brothers and friends. The first is your time. We seem to relegate this most important valuable gift to the last because it seems so difficult to give. The value we place on time is much less than those who receive it. A visit to an ailing brother or sister for only fifteen minutes may mean the world to them. A call to a friend or neighbour you have not seen a while. Spending quality time with parents, friends and associates. Indeed quality time with the family means more than the valuable gifts you may shower on them. Remember that time is a gift to you and when it is shared it passes on more value than when you received it. The other aspect of generosity is speech. Are you generous with your your speech? Do you rebuke in love or you leave so much hate in the wake of your speech. Are you in full control of your tongue such that it leads you to the right places and nurses and mends broken hearts. We need to learn that our speech and actions bring more love into the world than the silver and gold we lavish on ourselves. The third which is more personal is generosity of purpose. Have you reconciled yourself with what your purpose is in this world? Are you resolved to play the part that is required of you? Are you neglecting to play the role that is expected of your current and future station to the extent that your team is losing because of your actions or in actions? The good Lord said love your neighbour as thyself. That for me indicates that there is a first love before the latter can be played out. In being generous to ourselves we learn to give more to others and appreciate the finer things in life. I hope you will activate the generous nature in you and together we can make the world a better place to live. Have a god day.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 11:36:24 +0000

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