I did my Autumn cleaning of Facebook today, after deleting the - TopicsExpress


I did my Autumn cleaning of Facebook today, after deleting the majority or people who 1) I no longer wish to subscribe to your daily drama or 2) I see no point in carrying you as a friend because we may have gone to the same high school at some point; I discovered that I still had my Liked Pages to unfollow. 56 pages were deleted, of those 56; 39 were conservative news sights that mostly gave me the spin of the numerous United States issues on the burner today. The other 20 were pages that have no longer continued their postings and are for all intents dead. What does this tell me? Well CNN, Time, The Guardian, NYT, Fox News, Al Jazirra, WAPO, WSJ, and The BBC made the cut. My politics havent changed but seeing the same story that I already read from one of the above reputable news sources divvied up into What Barak just did will make you MAD!!!! or Youll Never Guess What POTUS did today in regards to..... just makes my stomach churn. Do people actually get their news and opinions from these fear-mongers and bought and paid for religious support groups??? Its a sad state of affairs if that is the case. I am a Constitutional anti-theist, and a Humanist. Every time I hear a leader of our country spout some sort of The United States is a Christian Nation tripe I want to puke. Im almost to the point where Im not going to be on Facebook anymore due to their algorithm that puts dumb shit at the top of your page 19 hours ago..... Really!?!?! I can go to my Twitter account and get all the most up to date news around the world, no matter if I am in Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Croatia, South Korea, Italy, Philippines, Thailand or Latvia with just a mobile internet connection. And I have done it in all of the above countries and met some of their most successful Twitterers, from newsmen/women to just concerned citizens or Army Dudes,(its amazing the people you meet hanging out in a bar in Warsaw, Sibiu, Zagreb, Kiev, or Riga.) The insulated feeling that America likes to have is abhorrent, we pick our battles where we have vested interest but allow wholesale Islamic slaughter in Eastern Africa, crippling corruption in Eastern European NATO allied countries, fascist militant Islam around the world, and then look to our allies like we have them anymore, to fight our strategic battles for and with us The best example I can give was talking with a Romanian Officer we were talking about the state of the world, in 2012, and he told me Im extremely happy to have you guys from JMRC here to do training with us, but it doesnt do a thing in the grander scheme. We dont feel that America is with us, or understands, how crucial it is we become a member of the EU and NATO, the Russians are already chipping away at Ukraine and Moldova. What is the US going to do when they start rolling our way? Same quote from a Ukrainian officer in 2011; They are doing whatever they can to undermine our independence, they dont see us as independent, but as a break away state to be pulled back into the fold. How loud those words hold today. END RANT!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 21:21:28 +0000

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