I did some work on my book tonight which included some edits to - TopicsExpress


I did some work on my book tonight which included some edits to the introduction and more work in sorting my writings into the chapter breaks Id like the flow to follow... editing a book is serious work :) Within this book we will explore some intellectual and spiritual concepts to a depth suitable for the adept seeker of universal truth. One thing I have had to accept through my seeking is that I am not designed to fully grasp how the universe functions in total, or where consciousness originated. However, being that we find ourselves here and now, aware as we are, I have found success in understanding what I deem to be some revealing truths about the nature of unity, and the nature of individualized ‘self aware’ consciousness. Within these contexts we will explore understandings related to the processes of manifestation as they relate to the physical reality construct in conjunction with our experiences of free will. It is my intent that those who read and understand will become completely aware of the unity that binds all things, while becoming a more deliberate creator of their own experiences while maintaining compassion for others, and perpetual gratitude for existence itself. I have found deep resonance with two outer teachings, both originating from other selves whilst in a trance state. The first of these being the teaching of Abraham as regards the Law of Attraction, although I prefer the term Law of Affinity as this name is more in alignment with what this law is actually governing. I have also come to resonate completely with the teachings of Ra as regards the Law of One. Ra states, amongst many other things, that there is only one law, and that this law is the Law of One. Ra states that all other so-called laws are just distortions of the Law of One. This understanding puts the above mentioned Law of Affinity into this category of being a distortion, and when we see that this co called ‘law’ is simply a law in the sense that it governs the illusions of manifestation as experienced by individuated consciousness, we see that it is just one of many ‘laws’ that may co-exist within unity as extensions of the Law of One. The Law of One however, governs all things and states simply that all things are one, that all beings are one. We will explore in greater detail the depth and meaning of this simple yet utterly profound statement in a following chapter. As you continue through the book, we will explore the above mentioned ideas in much more depth, expanding into an exploration of the apparent paradox of co-existing pre-determinism and free will, revealing that indeed this co-existence is embedded as the very foundation of our existence. However, all may not be as it appears, and for the conclusion I will postulate and support the idea that we are the experience of free will, which experiences having free will as the only assured quality within its very nature. And just as Gravity is gravity, and yet also experiences gravity, we, as free will, also experience free will. Through this awareness I will reveal how it is that we are determined to experience free will every moment of our existence, and how the ‘choices’ we make affect our experiences as they relate to the Law of Affinity and the Law of Responsibility. It is my intent that each who reads and understands will become empowered and enlightened to more of their own truth. In love and in light. Let us begin.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 06:51:30 +0000

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