I didnt get a number but so youll leave me alone, 95 things you - TopicsExpress


I didnt get a number but so youll leave me alone, 95 things you probably knew, might not have known, could care less about, or are like really you are crazy. If you like this status the number I give you will not be a small or wussy one ;) 1. I was born blue, the cord was wrapped around my neck 2. I was born with a heart murmur but outgrew it 3. I have a resting heart rate of 47 yea I am that awesome 4. I started kindergarten when I was 4, probably the only time I have ever struggled in school, my grandma Marie taught me to read every day after school I will always treasure those memories. 5. I think school is a huge waste of time, 13 years of elementary, middle and high school and 4 years of college and I probably use less than %10 of what I learned, 17 years to teach me so very little useful info. 6. I have a bachelors degree in Computer information technology science with a visual technologies emphasis. 7. I did the visual technologies because I didnt like to write code that much, and I dont have a job designing websites but rather do mostly networking so yea I wasted time even in my bachelors degree at school. 8. I was an A/B student all through school I probably could have been a straight A student but never cared enough to try for it, I got As and Bs mostly without trying that hard. 9. I can do algebra in my head, my 7th grade math teacher (I was actually in the 9th grade algebra class as my 6th grade teacher jumped me two years) thought I was cheating as I had no work to prove what I had done so he made me sit in front of him for 2 hours proving that I could do it then got mad and made me show my work from then on out and I hated math ever after that even though it had been my favorite subject before. 10. I last took math in 10th grade before taking 6 years off between high school and college so it was 8 years in between math classes so I signed up for algebra 1010 in college. I slept through that class every single day as I worked graveyards at the time and it was my 7:30am class. The teacher asked me why the heck I took the class as he never saw me awake once and I was the high in the class I told him it was because I hadnt had math in 8 years. 11. I won the school spelling bee in 4th grade, so get off my back about my grammar and spelling ;) I am a 4th grade spelling bee champion. 12. I actually won the spelling bee by just memorizing the list that they gave you to study. 13. I have an eidetic memory, hence my ability to just memorize a list of spelling words and win. I cant spell words to this day that werent on that list gall darn it. 14. My wife thinks I should go on the gameshow circuit because I am full of useless info as I never forget anything I learn or hear. 15. I scored 167 on the LSAT. 16. I was accepted to all the law school I applied to because of my LSAT score. 17. I never went to law school :) 18. When I was 8 years old I made 10 trips to the ER for stitches or broken bones. 19. I am OCD. 20. I am also ADHD if I was kid in todays society they would have me hopped up on Ritalin, my teachers survived todays teachers need to suck it up buttercup. 21. I hate animals, I dont get why this is so odd for people not everybody is going to like dogs and cats or whatever animal you want to go ahhhhh over. 22. Sandpaper gives me the heebie jeebies, its odd I cant stand sandpaper, nail files make me want to run for the hills. 23. I have run 4 marathons. 24. I have completed one half ironman. 25. I want to do a full ironman. 26. I was a wild child I turned the water off to the entire school in 3rd grade they still dont know it was me shhhhhh 27. I also hacked the computer systems in high school again they still dont know it was me shhhhhh 28. I self taught myself to swim and then learned the strokes by reading the boy scout manual, maybe thats why I am such a slow swimmer in triathlons. 29. I never got training wheels on my bicycle, my parents figured my older sister knew how to ride so she could teach me. I am the only sibling that never got training wheels. 30. I can swear really well in Spanish, its about all I can do in Spanish. 31. I taught my very religious sister Spanish swear words telling her they were something else and she used them all the time I still find it hilarious when someone explained to her what she was saying :) 32. I took Japanese in high school, something I have never really used yea school is so useful my Spanish swearing comes more in handy. 33. I have been a broncos fan since 1984 and have seen nearly every game since then. 34. My eidetic memory allows me to remember exact moments about games so if you ever want to talk about the Houston/Denver divisional playoff game in 1991 and that awesome last drive where Elway completed 4 4th down conversions you just let me know. 35. I use to sneak out the church windows on Sunday to go watch the Broncos games. 36. Ive thrown someone threw a church window. 37. I once made 132 free throws in a row. 38. I got a basketball hoop for my 15th birthday and my OCD side wanted to be able to make 10 free throws in a row I spent one day for 6 hours nonstop hitting 9 in a row and then missing the 10th because I would tense up on the 10th. 39. I only hit 2 homeruns in little league baseball despite playing for 6 years. 40. I won the peewee city championship in football two years in a row. 41. I wanted to be a pitcher when I was in little league. We use to throw baseballs against the fence for practice until our parents yelled at us for knocking holes in the fence. 42. I played chicken on the freeway when I was 9 years old with a friend as we lived next to the freeway until my mom about had a coronary when she found out. 43. We used to play tackle football in the street. 44. I learned about the birds and bees when we saw two dogs humping and my mom decided that was a good time to explain it to us. 45. I have written an unpublished novel. 46. When I worked fast food when I was 18-19 I knew the price of everything on the menu. And would just add everything up in my head and tell them there total without ever ringing anything up. Used to drive my manager crazy as I would go ring up 10 orders in a row. 47. I was thrown out of a casino when I was 17 for underage gambling we were also drunk :) 48. When I play blackjack I count cards. 49. I taught my wife to play blackjack she thinks its lots of fun. 50. When I was a kid my parents took me to the grocery store and used me as the calculator. 51. The last time I got drunk I tried to drink as much as I did when I was fat, it did not end well with me running half naked in the sprinklers at midnight. 52. I am so getting drunk this weekend. 53. I taught myself to drive a stick shift by buying one and just driving away with it. 54. It went pretty well unless I had someone behind me then I would freak out and if I left it in third I could not figure out why I kept stalling. 55. I once left the parking break off with the car parked in neutral, it rolled down the street two blocks :) 56. I have hit a lightpole with a car. 57. Yes I totaled that car. 58. I have totaled a bicycle. Bent it in half. 58. I wish I would have done track in high school. 59. I am big movie buff. 60. I have seen every movie on the AFI top 100 list. 61. I was the store manager of Hollywood Video, the assistant store manager of a blockbuster (yes I was there for both there last days of business) and a house manager of a theatre. 62. When I was in college I used to theatre hop paying for one ticket and going to 3-4 movies in a row. 63. I was so OCD I would plan which movies to go to and in what order and figure out how long the movies would be and which theatres I could sit in while they cleaned another theatre. 64. I once got thrown out of a theatre for theatre hopping and promptly walked across the hall into another theatre :) 65. I have stayed up for 118 hours straight. 66. I get pretty loopy at around hour 30 or so :) 67. My first computer was a 486 68. I screwed up the OS by getting pissed off at IE and uninstalling it back when it was a part of the OS. 69. I dont hate macs I just think they are overpriced. 70. I get vertigo. 71. Despite getting vertigo I have been bungee jumping and would love to go skydiving. 72. I am a numismatist, I collect coins 73. I collect star wars toys 74. I collect steelbooks. 75. I own over 1600 movies 76. i dont like my food crunchy, I will wait for it to get soggy before eating it like dipping chips in salsa or waiting for the cereal to get soggy. 77. Ill eat anything once, I have eated squid, octopuss, rattlesnake and cat. 78. All I had to do be an eagle scout was do my eagle project I never did. 79. Becuase I am OCD I wanted every merit badge I had 102 merit badges, darn bee keeping badge you still allude me. 80. I am not very homebody or good at building things, my wife puts all our bookcases together. 81. My favorite movie is the Empire Stikes Back. 82. I cheered when Jack drowned in Titanic because it was so melodramatic and anticlimatic I almost got mobbed by a theatre full of crying girls. 83. I am a nerd and damn proud of it. 84. I have never finished a rubiks cube. 85. I have worked as a baker. 86. Despite having run over 5000 miles since becoming a runner I have only run outside of Utah twice for a combined 11 miles. 87. I am terrible with names and faces, I cant think of where I met half the people I have as friends on my facebook but you are all awesome even though I cant remember you. 88. I loved doctor who before it was the cool thing to do. 89. I can grow an awesome beard. 90. I should have been a Norse god. 91. This list is getting long 92. I love my wife. 93. I love my boys. 94. Are you still reading this. 95. Well stop it I am tired of thinking of things.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 00:58:39 +0000

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