I didnt give this Robin Williams death much thought until someone - TopicsExpress


I didnt give this Robin Williams death much thought until someone posted a video of Mark Dice making an ass out of himself and proving himself to be a real douche by ridiculing anyone who thinks outside of the box. This is however regular Mark Dice behavior, so its not really anything to be alarmed about. But then I thought to myself, well, that doesnt necessarily mean anything. Its not like its Paul Joseph Watson is jumping on this to debunk it. Thats when you know there is a cover up going on. Then I read about the Family Guy episode with Robin WIlliams that finished airing just minutes before his body was found. So I look it up and sure enough, first video result is Paul Joseph Watson in another attempt to make anyone who thinks outside of the box feel stupid about their ideas. I dont know anything about the Robin WIlliams death but Im pretty sure there is more to this considering Paul Joseph Watson tried to debunk the UK Beheading false flag by manufacturing a strawman argument against it./ Basically, he took two video stills and tried to say that one had been altered but in actual fact it was two videos from two different cameras taken from two different individuals and two different sources all together. The reason he used video stills is because you cant see the REAL anomalies in a video still, so anyone watching it who didnt research believed the Conspiracy had been Debunked. Same tactic is being used here. For anyone who cares enough about this event to research it, consider these two things in your research and the past tactics of Marc Dice and Paul Joseph Watson and apply them to here. If these two guys arent shills, then theyre douches at the very least. Whats the purpose of calling people idiots and retards and conspiratards? Were all at different levels of understanding. I dont think anyone can be that douchey though... especially when theyve covered up information in the past without a doubt. Its quite disgusting though for grown men to act like that any way it goes. It shows a real lack of enlightenment and growth. The name calling shows a real character flaw at the very least. You dont see people like Alex Jones for instance calling people names for thinking outside of the box. I cant stand when people call other people idiots and retards. What is this, 6th grade? Very unprofessional but I guess some people never grow up from that locker room mentality.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:04:22 +0000

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