I didnt plan on saying anything, but since some have asked, and - TopicsExpress


I didnt plan on saying anything, but since some have asked, and because my customers deserve an explanation, heres why I dont sell Skinny Fiber anymore. Be prepared, this will probably be a long post. And let me preface this by saying, SF helped many of my customers lose weight and inches and regain their health and if you are happy with it, please, continue using it. Its worth it. YOU are worth it! If you need a new person to purchase it from, just let me know and I will give you the contact info for one of my gals whom you can still order from. Now... I signed up as an Independent Distributor for Skinny Fiber in May of 2013 and quickly climbed the company ladder from Bronze to Silver to Gold within six months of joining. I LOVED what I was doing, helping people gain their health back and being there to answer questions and support and encourage them on their journey. From the very beginning I promised myself as well as my customers that I would always be upfront and honest with them, that I wouldnt say or post anything that wasnt true or that I didnt agree with. The number one, most important thing to me was to build a business based on honesty and integrity and I stuck to that. I was up to making over $1100.00 a month with the sky being the limit when I began to feel a bit uncomfortable with some things that were being said and done as well as some things that were going on within the leadership of the company. None of it involved me directly, but decisions and even reprimands were being made that didnt make good business sense to me (nor my business-minded husband) and were, in my opinion, very unfair to those of us who were committed to working hard to build our business. It reminded me of whats going on in our country today, that everyone must be on a level playing field so those who were NOT willing to learn and work and put the time and effort in building their business had the same opportunity as those who studied and learned and worked and sacrificed their time and energy in order to be successful. If *I* could do it, everybody else had the same opportunity to do it if they really wanted it. However, I felt those of us who worked hard were being punished. If you were found being TOO successful you were threatened with having your account shut down immediately with no warning. You can do this, this, and this to build your customer base but youd better not do this, this, and this. Thats not fair to everyone else who cant do those things. What? It made absolutely no sense to me. (This is all internet-based stuff, not anything immoral or illegal.) Even though they soon [reluctantly] reversed what they had said regarding this, the damage, at least for me, had already been done. Then it became personal when it included my direct upline enroller whom I had learned so much from and had modeled my business after. She was successful so I watched her, asked her questions, learned from her, researched things she was doing, and did whatever she had done to reach her success, just as we had been told to do. Learn from and follow the leaders, thats what we were told. However, all of sudden things changed and my enrollers account was shut down without warning and I was left without my mentor and friend whom I had learned so much from and had grown to respect and appreciate. Thats when I truly started questioning if this was a company I wanted to stay with. Soon after, one of the top earners in the company, who had been around since the very beginning, was supposedly wrongfully terminated. I say supposedly because I dont know the details of what happened (as it should be because its none of my business). However, because of what I had already been seeing and feeling and because ever since then this lady has conducted herself very professionally, not saying anything negative about the company nor anyone associated with it and actually encouraging others to stay with Skinny Body Care if they were happy there, I honestly believe her when she says that she was wrongfully terminated. (Learning of things that have gone on and been said to her and about her behind the scenes by members of SBC have simply solidified my belief in her that she is telling the truth.) This all happened around the beginning of December and with my primary focus being on my family and the holidays, and increasingly being unimpressed with things going on within the company, I lost all my enthusiasm for being a part of SBC. I stopped everything I was doing pertaining to the company because in my heart of hearts no amount of money I was making was worth being a part of a company I didnt feel I could support. And besides, what was the point? How successful can you really be when youre worried that if you start making too much money the company will shut you down?! The excitement and motivation to build a successful home business were gone. However, I truly missed the interaction with my customers. After the beginning of the new year the lady who had been with SBC from the beginning and was doing VERY well financially when she was suddenly terminated had a vision. What had been done to her devastated her and her family (and right at Christmas time too!) and she didnt know what to do. As she pondered and prayed she realized she needed to do what she already knew and what she was good at, and that was weight loss and how to build a successful company! So she did her research and met with a scientific formulator and together they created what is now Trim Down Fiber Plus. Having researched each of the ingredients myself I have been very excited about getting my hands on this product! This is what the formulator had to say to her regarding Trim Down... I have been a Scientific Formulator for 18 years, I have NEVER been so excited to put together a product than I am right now for you. Your product is going to be a KNOCKOUT! If that wasnt enough to get me excited (which it was), her business idea sealed the deal for me. Instead of making her company a Multi-Level Marketing layout, like Skinny Body Care is, she knew she could train people to be successful affiliate marketers and, for those who wanted to, use a blogging platform to help them build their businesses. She had built her SBC business to the point of making over $100K a MONTH and now she was going to train us in all the things she did in order to be a success! WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! Why WOULDNT I follow her?! lol Having been a blogger since 2002, this blogging idea was right up my alley! There were still some things I wanted to learn regarding having a successful online business and Wendy was teaching about ALL of it! So not only did I believe in her and her new product but I would also be getting the training I needed and wanted. In addition to all of that, unlike with Skinny Fiber, there is NO start up fee NOR any required purchases. EVER! Of course I DID buy the product because I personally cant sell you something I havent tested and found to be worth every penny youll spend on it first. Times are hard for many people and I refuse to sell you something just to make a buck. If I give it my personal approval you can rest assured I truly, 100% believe in it! Besides, I want to be a product of the product. However, this is not required. Anyone can sign up to be an affiliate of Trim Down Global and never pay a penny! Youll still get a free blog all your own to use as well as all the free training youll ever need to build a successful business if you are willing to put the time and effort into it. And thats where things stand with me. That is why I am no longer with Skinny Body Care but have put all my eggs in the Trim Down Global basket! The company launched July 1st and today was my second day taking Trim Down Fiber Plus. I have to say, I am VERY impressed so far! No stomach issues at all, no gas or bloating, no cramps, no running to the bathroom, no embarrassing situations (hey, I got asked it ALL from potential customers when I was selling Skinny Fiber, plus I have four kids, so not much embarrasses me anymore! LOL!). I do feel things are running very smoothly, if you catch my drift. Everything is functioning like it should, which is not always the case for many people who suffer with digestion and other such issues. Unlike how I felt when taking SF, I simply can NOT eat as much as I am used to eating! I get full a WHOLE lot more quickly! And whether its from eating less, drinking more water, or taking Trim Down Fiber Plus (probably a combination of all three), my scale was down 2 pounds from yesterday to today! Now, Im not saying thats going to happen every day, but I dont think I need to tell you how excited that made me when I saw it! So there ya go. If you made it this far, now you know the whole story! This was not meant to bash Skinny Body Care in any way. I still have friends there and I honestly pray they do very well for themselves and their families! But I had to do what I felt in my heart was the right thing for me and my family and that is why I am now with Trim Down Global. If you have any questions, as always, please dont hesitate to ask. Love you guys!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:40:45 +0000

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