I didnt realize it had been 5 days since Id posted an update on - TopicsExpress


I didnt realize it had been 5 days since Id posted an update on Rich. I know yall are wondering whats going on, and you might be thinking that no news is good news. And on one hand, it is - no emergencies, no crises. But you can also make a pretty good guess that in regards to Rich, if Im quiet on facebook, Im very likely discouraged. Nothing bad has happened, and he makes progress of some kind nearly every day. But sometimes I get overwhelmed with how far he has to go, I allow my mind to jump ahead of me, and I end up borrowing troubles from tomorrow. God is teaching me so much, and controlling my thoughts and worries has never been a great strength for me. I am so thankful that Rich is in such a great facility! Hes getting very good care, and everyone is kind and respectful to him. They treat him with dignity. He passed a video x-ray swallow test Friday morning with flying colors, and he was able to begin eating Friday evening. Its been a little bit of a challenge to whet his appetite, but hes getting there. He is able to be fed pureed foods and thin liquids. (Thin liquids is rather impressive. People often have to start with thick liquids. Thin is more difficult to manage.) Friday morning he stood up for about 2-3 seconds. It takes 3 physical therapists and the parallel bars, but hes doing it. Friday afternoon, he stood up for a little longer. Saturday morning, he stood up for almost a minute. Then Saturday afternoon, he stood up for 5 mins 9 seconds! He was having a tired day on Saturday, and it took a lot of input to help him through it. That means I was standing in front of him whooping and hollering, snapping my fingers way up high, and everything else I could think of to get him to lift his head. He finally stopped looking. I asked him if I was making him mad, and he nodded his head yes. I apologized and then told him that I had to keep on doing it because its what he needs. I encouraged him to think of everything that Rachel has gone through, and all of the sessions where he has done the same exact thing with her, and how he doesnt let her quit - even when she gets frustrated and angry. I thought that would inspire him, but it really didnt. He stayed miffed and then refused to do his leg work. ;) Today one of my girlfriends, who also happens to be an occupational therapist, met me there and we gave Rich a shave and a much-needed haircut. He looks like a new man! Although he still has significant left neglect, he was able to take a washcloth and wipe the left side of his face with his right hand. That means he crossed midline on his own, which is a big deal. Again, more progress. This was followed by skyping his sisters. Right before I left, he thought of something funny and cracked himself up! He told me what he was thinking about, and each time hes mentioned this particular phrase, he tells me hell have to explain to me some day why its so funny. I honestly have no idea what hes talking about, but its always good to see him laugh. He doesnt make any noise, but his shoulders shake, his face smiles, and his eyes crinkle. It makes everyone in the room laugh with him. :) As Ive said many times, he has a long way to go, but hes making steady, consistent progress. When Im feeling low and discouraged, friends remind me that its only been 3 weeks! I guess the greatest gains after a stroke occur within the first six months, and it really has only been 3 weeks. Thats a good reminder, since it feels like its been several months already. Seriously, several very long months. I do have some more specific information about expectations and dates, but Ill have to share that in a later update. It is very encouraging, though. But for now, this girl is tired. Keep praying, even when I dont update. Sometimes I just cant find the words. Pray for his physical recovery, his cognitive recovery, and insurance approval on what he needs. Right now they approve 7 days at a time. Pray for each of the kids, individually. Pray for me. I stay thankful that Gods mercies are new every morning.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 03:41:14 +0000

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