I dislike mirrors. Especially long ones. That show us the - TopicsExpress


I dislike mirrors. Especially long ones. That show us the reflection of our entire superoinferior entirety. Especially as people like us who have personality issues constantly get smacked in the face with the fact that we seem not to be content with where we are. Or who we are. Or what we are. Because we are shown in untainted images, the full extent of who we appear to be, and not who we are, or what lies inside of us. I like to console myself with the fact, that the mirror is a shortcoming, like the posterior interosseus artery, which shows us only what we give to it, not what it is, which we give. Just like human examples of what we want to be or how far we want to go. We may deny it, but the basic nature of man has specks of inherent evil, and if you like, jealousy. I, for one, admit to the fact that I have at one point in life, felt that someone didnt deserve the luck or success which he or she basked in. But because I am in constant conflict with the opposite poles of my mind, such thoughts have time and time again, spurred me on to severely work towards attaining the level of success which my eccentric self felt I deserved. And I always happened to succeed. What learnt I? The pathway to the future is quite distinct among we humans. What works for me, has only a negligible probability of working for you. It is up to us to discover the mowed pathways to our own futures. And trust me, no two tomorrows are the same for we humans. In the end, we must not let discontent eat us up, and because we would never wholly do away with it, the struggle towards achieving a desired outcome (via channelling the searing energy of discontent and jealousy into work and positive thinking) shall in the end lead us to where our abilities and commitment can fashion out. Good evening.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:27:20 +0000

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