I do love myself.. A peace of mind.. peace..... ITS A NEW WORLD - TopicsExpress


I do love myself.. A peace of mind.. peace..... ITS A NEW WORLD BABY! READ IT! LMAO, DID IT, PULLED A BIIIIGGGGG WHAMMYYYYY.. Can never be taken from me, my results, will sustain my heart and soul til my last breathe, then I will be free, so screw the system, I win.. I win.. lol PEACE. Peace Maker Society, Corporation Posing As Government Control Officer & Agent Accountability Program. NOTICE: To the Corporation Control Officers, Deficiency Notice: Regarding/Matter/Case/File:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Client Who Filed Complaint’s Name/Title/Information: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ From Peace Maker Society Private Unregistered Unincorporated Law Firm of Laymen & Laywomen advocates & representatives/Chief Justice Peace Maker Society Global Law. Our society is a Unregistered Unincorporated Global Competent Law Jurisdiction who has passed judgement on you as a guilty party, in this heinous criminal behavior you are engaged in as proven below. You have been found guilty by Marcel of the family Bessette, Founding Member, Signatory and Chief Justice for and to Peace Maker Society Global Law as a man or woman, posing as a corporation posing as a government to defraud people of unalienable rights, to profit yourself for a paycheck, to cause unlawful harm, via unlawful corporate contracting techniques. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. You are here by personally liable for the harm you are and have caused. Reference incident report and documents accompanying this notice. We are correct to corporate law, common law and natural law, but stand under our own law. As our law is a foundation in principles to your legality and law, we are competent to pass judgement upon you as well as enforce fee schedules using commercial process as well as private remedy up to and including Sheriffs or Private Security to seize your assets for debts you are liable for as well as arrest applicable agents/men/woman as time goes and is prudent to do so at our discretion and the direction of our client or clients you have personally caused harm to. (Reference Court Transcripts for Marc Zurawell (Marcel Bessette) Nov 12 2015 in Winnipeg Canada Corporate Law Courts 408 YORK AVE, where notice of fraud and corporate status or your limits in corporate status were given. All corporate statehood agents are liable in the same way globally. Also view our id documents at peacemakersociety.org see Russell Brand interview heading/section, button at the top of the website page. See Attached Fee Schedule for your Bill of Service from the Private Man/Woman you defrauded, as is there right. Our law firm is billing you on their behalf and helping guide all liens and remedy up to and including your arrest via Sherriff’s or Private Security. On _________date, we received a complaint your Agents/Agency are committing Contract Fraud. See incident report included with this litigation as well as self-evident facts below. Anyone who uses contract to cause harm to the public, is liable for fraud. The Liable Agent/Man/Woman Name:_______________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ Identity Verification Details/Work/Vehicle/Home Address When Known: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As per due process we are serving notice, honor between equals, through communication via notice, which is due process, is so important to keep the peace. See our notice of facts below and no injured party equals no crime. (1) You are attempting to restrict Someone’s right to liberty, life, property, and enjoyment thereof. Clearfield Doctrine No Corporation can be a Government by Definition. No Corporation can force you to Contract. Abuse of Right Doctrine Case law – Any Agent may be personally liable if they use incorrect legal corporate contracting techniques against another’s Moral Right. This notice is a conditional acceptance upon proof of claim. Proof of claim would be a valid contract, which you do not have. A. Valid requirements every contract must meet to not be considered a fraud: 1. Full disclosure (Meaning whoever attempted to make me contract, explained their corporate status which proves, as per Clearfield Doctrine case law referenced above, in fact, that no corporation can be a government by definition; one excludes the other. As well as all the details of the contract including my right to cancel within 10 days, their agent number, etc.) 2. Equal consideration (Meaning I was offered something of substance or value in the contract. Corporations posing as government agents offer no value, as all legality is fraud in contract inflicted upon free people who did not comprehend how it works, or speak legalize, the jargon lawyers and judges use in contracts. No meeting of the minds equals no contract) 3. Lawful terms and conditions (Every contract the Government of Canada, Inc. is a form of securities fraud, proven in their being listed on Dunn and Bradstreet Securities, Washington, DC (ie) Manitoba Justice at 408 York Avenue is listed under Manitoba Act and Statute Corporations Act thus has limitation of powers as a corporation because they do not have a valid contract with me, and they have not witnessed me commit an indictable offence which is harm to life, liberty, property or rights of someone else) 4. Signatures of both parties, with a meeting of the minds (for signatures to be valid they must be given without threat, force, intimidation, and without holding someone hostage until they sign. All parties who are contracting must comprehend what is taking place in the contract to have a meeting of the minds. B. Valid requirements every debt must meet to not be considered a fraud. 1. Validation of the debt (actual accounting paperwork) 2. Verification of their claim against me (a sworn affidavit or a signed invoice) 3. A copy of the lawfully valid and binding contract both parties voluntarily agreed to an signed (please see valid requirements must meet to not be a fraud) I understand this as proof you are a corporation as referenced by links above. The Complainant has not committed and indictable offence nor did they voluntarily or willingly consent to any contract that you offered. I have in place, cured as law, claim of right documents, copies of the documents sent by registered mail, available upon request. As referenced by Defence of Property with Claim of Right in the Criminal Code of Canada (s.39). Adverse Possession in Blacks law Dictionary is defined as enjoyment of real property under claim of right. I have proven in fact, you are using incorrect legal process against their moral Right and natural/universal Law, as Society flesh and blood woman/man, and living soul. Who holds all rights Unregistered Unincorporated, we are Competent and Lawful Jurisdiction to hold you & your Agencies Accountable. That the unregistered, unincorporated woman/man and living soul known as __________________________________________ reclaimed all alienable rights as of ___________Day, in the year of, ___________________on the geographical land known as________________________________________________________________________. They have recorded this status with our Unregistered Unincorporated Global Court Of Record which meets or exceeds due process requirements which is what law between equals is. Our client here in, no longer contract their private, unalienable rights to be governed under act or statute but rather as an unregistered, unincorporated, flesh and blood woman/man and living soul, which now stands under and is bound to my cured as law, claim of right, as per lawful excuse, via claim of right and i am in harmony with corporate law, common law, and natural law as their rights have been recorded within our society Unregistered Unincorporated Global Court Of Record. Equals cannot give other equals orders, everything must be offers. We are equal before and under natural law. I conditionally accept all orders upon proof of claim on behalf of my clients. If you fail to prove your claim and act on them anyway, you are liable for my fee schedule as a private contract for hire. This is an unalienable right of all mankind. The Agent as proven wilfully negligent from this point on has been noticed. Wilful negligence is equal to fraud. By committing fraud my understanding is under Maritime Law, that you the agent through being wilfully incompetent and having no plausible deniability have in fact abandoned your one million dollar $1,000,000 public insurance liability bond. This is why you are personally liable for $1.000.000 Canadian Funds or Equivalent gold or silver value will also be accepted. In case of default, you agree to pledge any and all property as damages for the judgement given here in. It is our lawful right, to our understanding, to claim the one million dollar liability from you personally, as we acting on behalf of the injured party and a member of the public in fact, which you would have or are harming through incompetence. You have no honor, and to communicate with us to dispute our claims, must be as stated below. You must be competent or you will be held liable another 1 Million Dollars Canadian for every infraction where you do not prove you had lawful claim to act, or lawful contract, which we have proven you do not. You are liable the 1 Million Dollars Canadian for every phone call you make going forward, every letter. All correspondence must be in writing. We will bill you any time you harass our client from this moment on, up to and including arrest by Sheriffs or our Private Security to seize either you or your property to settle the debt you have created via your incompetence and fraudulent contracting techniques. All response must be under oath or attestation upon penalty of perjury, under FULL COMMERCIAL LIABILTY. Any response to this litigation must be sent to the geographical location on the land known as: c/o Peace Maker Society, unregistered, unincorporated, private law firm. 201 Portage Avenue, 18th Floor Winnipeg, Manitoba, Dominion of Canada, General Delivery They represent me and they are acting as a third party witness to your response or non-response. We strongly recommend you reverse or cease any and all actions you have against our client, as you are liable for all bills generated in any form from this point on. If you assist us in righting this wrong, perhaps our client may go leniently on you. It’s up to them, conduct yourself accordingly. Affected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclaims must respond appropriately within TEN (10) days of service of notice of this action. Responses must be under Oath or attestation, upon FULL COMMERCIAL LIABILITY and penalty of perjury and received to headquarters no later than ten days from the date of original service as attested to by way of Proof of Mailing. Failure to register a dispute against the claims made herein will result in an automatic default judgment and permanent and irrevocable estoppels by acquiescence curing the debt you now owe, damages and charges, collections, interest or fees under any law, statute or Act against your unlawful contracting techniques which have damaged unregistered unincorporated men and woman, as your contracts were in fact a fraud as proven by this document. We commence collections if you do not pay the one million Canadian dollars no later than 45 days from when you signed to receive this mail/notice. This a personal debt, please contact us at the address or phone number above to make payment arrangement. We will use all lawful means to collect the debt and seize any assetts needed to remedy the harm you have caused. You may also be subject to arrest in some situations, we will send you separate notice of when we are ready to take this step. We advise all agents, to get a new job. Law of agent applies, service upon one, is equal to service upon all. Reference notes: 1. There must be an injured party; a complaint is invalid on its face. Gibson v. Boyle, 139 Ariz. 512 2. Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-371 (1942) Public Policy according to the wishes of the Creditors of the US Corporation. Clearfield Doctrine: “Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen. This entity cannot compel performance upon its corporate statute or rules unless it, like any other corporation or person is the holder-in-due course of some contract or commercial agreement between it and the party upon whom the payment and performance are made and thereby, willing to produce said documents and place the same evidence before trying to enforce its demands called statutes.  For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government.” ” Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation and takes on the character of a mere private citizen [where private corporate commercial paper (securities) are concerned]“. . . “For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as an entity ENTIRELY separate from government.” Bank of US v. Planters Bank, 9 Wheaton (22 US) 904, 6 L. Ed. 24 3. Abuse of Right The Swiss Civil Code states The manifest abuse of a right is not protected by law. At least one of four conditions is required to invoke the doctrine:[1] the predominant motive for exercising the right is to cause harm no serious or legitimate motive exists for exercising the right the exercise of the right is against moral rules, good faith, or elementary fairness the right is exercised for a purpose other than that for which it was granted. The principle does not exist in the Anglo-Saxon system.[citation needed] 4. Defence of property with claim of right: Criminal 39. (1) Everyone who is in peaceable possession of personal property under a claim of right, and every one acting under his authority, is protected from criminal responsibility for defending that possession, even against a person entitled by law to possession of it, if he uses no more force than is necessary. (2) Everyone who is in peaceable possession of personal property, but does not claim it as of right or does not act under the authority of a person who claims it as of right, is not justified or protected from criminal responsibility for defending his possession against a person who is entitled by law to possession of it. R.S., c. C-34, s. 39. Direct Taxation on Labour is the definition of slavery as proven by Lord Nelson Case 1950 Supreme Court Ruling To Abolish Income Tax.. It is unlawful to enslave people. Reference the enslaving of people by 1985 Canadian Ownership Control and Determination Act. All Central Banking Nations use the same bonding scheme, no meeting of minds, no contract, equals fraud. Criminal Act. No one has any obligation to a fraud. You are liable for fraud! All correspondence MUST BE IN WRITING, SERVED VIA EXPRESS POST ENVELOPE, WITH PROOF OF SIGNATURE TO BE COURT ADMISSABLE and competent to due process. Sincerely, Authorizing Signature for Peace Maker Society Unregistered Unincorporated Global Competent Law Jurisdiction Peace Maker Society Founding Member, Signatory & Chief Justice Marcel of the family Bessette Global Unregistered Unincorporated Private Law Firm Of Laymen & Laywoman Advocate Representatives. Marcel of the family Bessette Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________ Located on the land known as: 18th Floor 201 Portage Ave Winnipeg, Manitoba Dominion of Canada Gen Del Phone: 204 926 8558 Mon To Fri 9am to 5pm local time
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 02:59:35 +0000

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