I do not agree and totally discard/condemn the statements/cheap - TopicsExpress


I do not agree and totally discard/condemn the statements/cheap gimmicks of Akbar Owaisi like 15 minute ke liye police hata lo, kash haath men mike ki jagah kuch aur hota to hindustan men khoon-kharaba, meri zuban hindustan ke musalmanon ke ghusse ko zahir karta hai warna hindustan tabah-o-barbad, his statement cum caricatures on Hindu Bhagwan Rams mother and sacred cow, the two most sensitive religious references for Hindus. I suggest that when police is removed for 15 minutes to fulfil Akbars desire, Muslims themselves should throw these two brothers before Hindu mob when Police is off for 15 minutes. I am sure both of them are clever enough to run away in veils like Maulana of Lal Masjid in Islamabaad tried to escape and was subsequently photographed in veil by Musharraf on the request of Bush. Bhabha Bhramdev later adopted same tactics by ensuring late night change of gender during Delhi agitation. I have seen this kind of minority politics, since my childhood. Dr Faridi of Lucknow raised “Muslim Majlis” in 1960s with Jaipal Singh Kashyap, a mesmerizing fiery speaker and managed few assembly seats with election symbol of flower together with slogan “Phool ka tempo high hai, zor se bolo high hai” and finally one parliamentary seat in 1977 which enabled Mr Zulfikarullah (Chote Mian) from Allahabad (original inhabitant of Moradabad) to become deputy Finance Minister in Janta Party regime in 1977. But all this effort fizzled out in short time. A 15% minority spread all over the country has to be part of mainstream political party otherwise, you need to have a “Voter’s Constituency” instead of “Geographical Constituency”, what Hindus have in Pakistan and what Ambedkar was granted by the Englishmen, resulting into fast unto death by Gandhiji in Yerwada Jail of Poona, forcing Ambedkar to drop the idea in lieu of reservation proposed by Gandhi and was not demanded by Ambedkar, as the current intelligentsia paint him. But I personally do not prefer a “Voters Constituency”, in spite of having Assembly and Parliament seats in proportionate of the population because you may always be having the sufficient number of members in the representative house but will surely end up alienated, socially. Coming back to Owaisi brothers, they have right to proceed as they are but one thing has to be ensured by them that their tongue should not bring a problem to him and to the minority which they themselves may not be capable of, to hold back. This kind of oratory also puts the secular Hindus in an embarrassing situation. Hence they are needed to be respectful in their oratory to the sentiments of majority Hindu faith, not only in selection of words but in their body language/gestures as well. The kind of language, voice modulation and body language being used by Mr Akbar Owaisi while describing Hindu diety Ram, his mother and the sacred cow is unbearable to a civilized listener. If they repeatedly refer Allah and Rasool in their aggressive oratory, then the kind of language they are using for Hindus are contradictory. Akbar can choose better words to express anger and to appear aggressive to garner minority votes, their ultimate goal. Hindi and Urdu languages vocabulary are not so weak. I am sure Mr Akbar Owaisi is still surviving because the activities of both brothers are proving detrimental to secular parties, suiting to rightists and are doing same thing from minority side what Bhoginath & Bhakshi Gajraj are doing from majority side, i.e. deepening the wedge between the two major communities of the country, again suiting to rightists in consolidating Hindu votes irrespective of caste which is not at all desirable in the interest of minorities, weaker sections and the country. Yes, there are some who advocate that “Garadiya” also speaks same way. My answer is, do not equate yourselves with him because he has various compulsions to behave like that. First because of historical embarrassments and second they do not have the votes. You do not fall in any of these two categories. I do not agree to Swamys analysis of the social weaving in India, also. If it had been elaborated as to why in spite of being a Tamil, he was brought up/educated in RK Puram Delhi or if he had unfolded the code “RK Puram”, he would have been more close to analyzing the social problems prevailing in India. He would have not needed to put in so much effort to project Muslim Phobia which is non-existent. If only 15% of population, mostly uneducated and lying at lowest ebb of economical ladder is threat to a nation, bidding for world power, then he does need some kind of correction, be it medical or time. A person who spent eighteen years of his initial professional life in USA and on his return, in spite of all his gimmicks was finally thrown out by BJP. Later he tried his luck with Congress and ultimately met with the same fate there also. Finding himself on the street again, he has now decided to try his luck by carrying out lip service, back to the BJP, unwanted. This is what called “Laut ke Bud-dhoo ghar ko aaye”. But again he did not get what he has been desiring for the last more than a decade, the “Finance Ministry”. So, “BJP+Congress” meaning whole of Indian population do not consider him as knowledgeable or useful enough to contribute in running the nation. So “OHIO State University” is not enough for political power in India, it is much more than that which, in comparison to him, Lalu, Mulayem, Sharad, Nitish, the products of Patna University, know very well. Even a lady like Mayawati from lowest hierarchy of society has better skills of Politics, compared to him. Being a frustrated identity, he has now decided to spread Venoms against one community either on the dais of various Seminars or through the panels of various TV Channels. He is expert in firing the kind of verbal guns which always “misfires”. He is a surprise personality who know all sides but speaks false about Muslims and Hindus both to complete his designed vicious circle but since he is aware of the facts, occasionally spills out unknowingly the beans of truth, like “there is a caste & being selfish problems among Hindus”. His effort is to solve this problem of Hindus by projecting Muslims as a common enemy. To unfold the mystery of the term “RK Puram” in Delhi, I would like to take the initiative on his behalf to inform that Mr Subramaniyam is a Brahmin and belongs to Tamil Nadu, as the name suggests. Due to the Dravidian revolution/backlash after independence, these Oppressors were thrown away from Tamil Nadu. The then Brahmin Power at the Center made an elaborate arrangements for their rehabilitation in Delhi and the locality was named as “Ram Krishna Puram”. The intensity of hate was so deep that even the Power at Delhi, the Congress (whom he abuses all the times for his own personal reasons), neither could safeguard them locally nor could locate them in any one of nearby “lingua” southern states. When you club the three failures together, 1.the family dislocation 2,500kms away, 2.failed professional career in USA and 3.a repeatedly flopped political bids, the cocktail of failures produces a “Subramaniyam Swami”, practically meaning the “Swami” of falsehood/failures. As I see my country India, there is no Hindu-Muslim divide. Look at the functioning of state governments, Offices, Business , Travel, Tourism, Schools, Colleges, Judiciary, Technicians, Medicine, Train, Taxi, Unions, Festivals, Restaurants, Malls, Sports, Film Industry no one on Earth can differentiate as to who is Hindu and who is Muslim by conduct and devotion to the nation, if not differentiated by outer postures. This is what the nation is, called, “India”. Politics, Administration, Army being intact, no one on earth can see an internal threat to the Giant Nation like “INDIA”, until and unless he is not the one boasting of himself being educated in OHIO. The ones who talk of internal threat to India are actually trying to demean the Power of India and do not know India. To slap it further, my life experience says that a Hindu Bosses when looking for a loyal, he bets/opts for a Muslim. Yes there is problem in India and that is the caste problem but this does not pose any internal threat to the nation, as the people have learnt from the History. The power politics in India has gone a big change in last twentyfive years. The balance of power has shifted from “Haves” to “Have nots”. This is unbearable to the “Haves” and Swamy due to the caste differences. Since there are many sub-grouping among the “Have nots”, so for the last twenty five years “Haves” have been trying to dis-integrate their unity by supporting the weaker out of the ruling “Have nots” groups. Naturally, “Have nots” conducted themselves as Tribals due to their social limitations in the past thousands of years. Now, a stage has reached where they have almost succeeded in disintegrating the “Have nots” and hence they have now played the matser stroke of projecting Muslims as the common enemy of Hindus, so that the lowest among “Have nots” come behind them, to fulfill “Haves” Hunger for Power. Still, they know well that they can’t bring behind them, the educated group of the “Have nots” and hence the religious rhetoric through various un-brushed mouthpieces, time to time, to keep the hate drive simmering all the time against Muslim, like Love Jehad, Ghar Wapsi etc etc. Problem is “Haves” do not have votes and the balance of Power, of late, has tilted in favor of “Have nots”, so how to get the votes is their task to formulate strategy? The only thing they are afraid is “Democracy” which is a game of votes and will keep them away from the power for all the time to come and hence “Muslim bashing” and projecting them as common enemy is the time tested and tried tool. But Swamy knows that the backwards & scheduled caste have temporarily shifted for the sake of Vikas but once they will know that all the election promises were a “Dhoka” and the “Haves” have again started showing their muscle power, within no time they will be back to their caste barracks. That is why when the anchor of “Sudarshan” said with 31%, there is absolute majority, when 50 & 60% will vote what will be the scenario? Swamy did not agree and said no, no, this will take time. In my opinion that time will never come because you can’t change the looting/robbing habits of those whom Swamy is representing. He mocks the Socialites and their being re-united. What is wrong in getting re-united? If Swamy can change the parties repeatedly then why can’t Socialites get re-united. First Socialites united and captured the power, then they got disintegrated and now face the threat of losing the power to Oppressors, hence they will unite again. Voters will also return to their caste barracks once they will realize that they have been taken for a ride on the pretext of Vikas which is reaching to only “Haves” and they are again being deprived of booty, earned by selling national resources? It is a fact now that 15% of Oppressors can’t rule 54% Backwards + 15% Schedule Castes + 15% Muslims. There is only one way and that is if the Oppressors can prove that they are not GREEDY? I think, they will never be able to prove and hence no vote and no power and finally nothing to be GREEDY. When Swamy says that Atal ko secularist ne bahka liya tha par Moti chalak hai, here swamy provides a poor show of himself. Atal was no way misguided. Atal, his party and all the rightist supporters/advisors decided to compromise Ram and his Temple for the sake of Power and they meekly surrendered before Socialists to fullfil their GREED for Chair. Not only Atal, even the latest model Moti is doing same in Jammu&Kahsmir, compromising to any level to get chair and share in GREED. Swamy went right only on two matters, one dreaming to disintegrate Muslims which will remain his dream and second when he said “Angrezon ki 200 saal ki Ghulami” which is more realistic compared to the PMs statement of “1200 saal ki Ghulami” in Madison Square, USA. I suggest that he will be better off as tutor of “PM” to correct his History, Geography and if possible science on Plastic Surgery?
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:50:16 +0000

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