I do not believe in Christmas. And as of this year I have - TopicsExpress


I do not believe in Christmas. And as of this year I have officially boycotted the celebration of this day. I am a Christian and I believe in Christ. I celebrate His birthday every day, when I sit to pray in the morning, I also celebrate His death and resurrection at every moment of my life. In my country we have two ways to greet each other on this day – one says “Merry Koleda” (or what’s supposed to be translated as Merry Christmas), the other says “Congratulations on Christ’s Birthday”. I do not celebrate any of this on this day, because “Koleda” is an ancient pagan tradition, hence the whole madness about trees, decorations and so on. It is also related to what some people believe Santa Claus represents – the good old white man, who gives presents (it is interesting why he is white and why he comes from Laplandia, or whatever, but none of this is subject to my comment here). In reality this is a celebration of Saturn…also known as Satan, for the various cults celebrate on this day centuries ago. These cults are rather disgusting and horrific, if you take the time to explore them. I also do not celebrate Christ’s birthday on 25th of December because He was never born on that day. He was born sometime around September and the date was never mentioned in the Bible or other sources of that time. 25th of December is the winter solstice and is a pagan celebration of another substitute of God –the sun, Ra….you can find numerous names in different traditions around the world. Why has this been such a lie for so long and how did these celebrations come about? Well, imperator Constantine, being “smart” enough to realize that as Christianity had spread vastly around the world and was being accepted with so much passion, it was a very good tool for control, only if it was turned into a religion. So, this was done quite quickly and all of a sudden various nations became “Christian”, when one can be a Christian only if one commits their life to Christ and this is a strictly personal choice! Now they could rule the world even better and find reasons for more wars and violence, which is why the Crusades were so so not Christian! And because there were so many different nations under the Roman Empire’s authority Constantine had to find a way not to evoke massive protests for wiping out ancient traditions, so he decided to “merge” them… Hence the “Christmas” tree and Santa Clause and lights, and decorations… It was all put conveniently under one umbrella and sold as a package called “Christmas”. Nowhere in the Bible does God say or command people to decorate trees, worship the sun, exchange gifts, wait for a white-bearded man to bring presents or even that His Son’s birth was in December! I am posting therefore a short video, that represents just a very tiny part of the truth about Christmas and if you want to learn more, there is plenty of information. But don’t take my word for it, go and explore for yourselves. There are so many available sources and if you start on the quest for truth with a curious and non-prejudiced mind, and you will find it, and it will set you free. You probably like me will find that some of the information does not make sense or add up to some of the facts, or some of the information is rather contradictory. Ask your heart, not your brain, what is the truth and with time you will find it. Why should you care about that at all? Because every celebration brings the energy with which it was created. Remember, these are ancient traditions and they were repeated for centuries. You might not identify with them on a conscious level, but on a very subtle level, in your deep sub consciousness, want it or not, you are becoming part of the cult and are identifying with its energy. Study everything, do not do things just because someone else does it, or you or you will end up with what someone else does and feels. Be authentic, be real, be truth-bearers! On this day I can only wish you to find the truth and the peace that comes with it! God bless you!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 09:41:15 +0000

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