I do not believe int he fine, on individuals; I think the money - TopicsExpress


I do not believe int he fine, on individuals; I think the money should be put toward the cost of insurance. However, regulation requires funding, so if a corporation should refuse to follow their rules . . . BANG! Since I have not read any rules for corporations yet, I cannot say more. ________________________ President Barack Obama signaled a shift in tone Monday in acknowledging the technical problems, with reports emerging Healthcare.gov was launched despite signs of serious shortcomings during simulation tests. Republicans -- bruised by their failed attempts to dismantle the health care law during the budget fight -- appeared eager to pounce on a chastened White House. Its unfair to punish people for not purchasing a product that they cant purchase right now because the technology thats in place, the website theyre supposed to buy it on -- by the presidents own admission -- is not working, Republican Senator Marco Rubio, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, told CBS News on Tuesday. Beginning January 1, most Americans must have health insurance or pay a fine. But that requirement known as the individual mandate, in which enrollment of millions of young healthy Americans is seen as helping pay for the broader coverage that would help the poor and elderly, has been hotly challenged by Republicans for months. news.yahoo/us-republicans-vow-no-let-obamacare-175602739.html
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 04:59:31 +0000

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