I do not cease to pray for you! Pray for me. Pray your - TopicsExpress


I do not cease to pray for you! Pray for me. Pray your Prayers and live for Death Angels are working. Death is in temptation, sorrows, flirting, flattering, lies, deceptions, perversion for grief. Death is out working for grief. And You agree because You are rushing to death purpose. The devil is more subtle. Be vigilant. Dont Self-Destroy away in a Rush. The way you take must be safe. Choose life. Be Prayerful. Be led by the LORD of life in the law of the Spirit of life. Those who are the sons of God are led by God according to Gods Word. The LORD is my Shepherd. I shall not Want. I shall not Want Rushing. I shall not want trouble. Rushing brings trouble. Pray your Prayers daily for your family, self, work and travel. Pray your Prayers daily for your bills, finances and studies. Never be in a RUSH.Pray for your healing, marriage, friends and others. Stop being in a RUSH. Its not a perfect world. Dont get caught up in rushing world. Worship God. Dont get caught up in worrying about money. Pray and wait as deemed necessary. Survive with less and be bless. Money is blinding the world to rush to death. People are sinning for money. People are killing for money. People are Rushing to death for money for others to receive what they laboured for when they die and leave the world by rushing to accidents, High Blood Pressure is killing. High Blood Pressure causes illness and stress related complications. High Blood Pressure is a killer for sure. God knows. Stress is a killer. Dont you know? Dont you know to slow down? Slow down and live. Dont RUSH! Too bad. Too bad You Rush. Some people insist on Rush. Rush is not good for health. Take care of self. Too bad is RUSH. Too bad you rush to crush to death. Be careful. God will HELP me not to RUSH. RUSHING is a serious Demon of Death. Dont I know? God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. Psalms 46:5 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalms 46:10 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; Romans 12:12 J.RO(Jennifer Roberts), Prepare the way of the LORD. 11-15--2013 Go slow and Do More. Receive a Great calm. Worry does kill. Dont waste your life to rushing, worrying and fussing. Be sober. Pray to God and live.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:02:53 +0000

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