I do not have close friends living in Vancouver although I do have - TopicsExpress


I do not have close friends living in Vancouver although I do have a female friend in Surrey. Despite this, I have relatively few problems in my average day and would rather be doing something more concrete in my life. I can get along reasonably well on my income trust money in conjunction with my other income but am now looking to return to the work force. The culture of narcissism I believe rose with the Internet but the net effect of Facebook is to create silos of friends with similar political or social interests. LinkedIn is more for business interests. I have met nearly all my Facebook friends and spoken with the same...the amount of interaction is at times extremely minimal or non-existent and yet it seems to fulfil some need to participate in the larger world with something other than cat or baby photos. There is often an attempt by religious leaders or others to induce guilt for things which are now at least somewhat acceptable. I think that some of the positive traits described as the seven deadly wins I admire to some degree when tempered by fairness. . However, those ascribed by Patricia Pearson to psychopaths are severely circumscribed by her language, often including two modifiers, except for oilinesz. I think I know what she means by the latter word and it may not be your neighbour with the heavy olive oil. While stigmas exist for degrees of mental illness or at times just the label, there is 1% of the population that meets the clinical definition of psychopath. Some people are just wired differently and while it is wise not to ignore the characteristics, the label should not be tossed around like romaine lettuce salad in a bowl. Being someone who has lived in Canadas three largest cities and having had a lifespan of five decades, and then some years, I have likely met hundreds if not thousands of psychopaths if you mean the loosest definition of met...passing on the street or being at an event with, say, a sporting event like hockey or soccer or a baseball game. Most of them appeared to cause me no immediate physical harm. Online, with strangers, people can and do hide behind fake identities which is why I limit my Facebook friends in nearly all cases to people I have met and talked with. Others are far more trusting but I am not-Ive been burnt once or twice by people who really didnt know me even though one was a sister of an acquaintance and that was early on. While I try to resist the tendency to demonise people by label, be it political, psychiatric, or whatever just because they may have a different attitude or set of perceived attributes, often is is hard to judge someones worldview on the basis of leanings on a particular issue or another, over time, I hope mine have helped to widen debate and include other people whose views and experiences may have been counter to mine or are able to offer their own take on a given issue. As long as our company CEOs in Canada are obsessed with quarterly results and not the overall health of the organisation and its employees and hide behind mission statements and coded PR language and are bent on extracting the absolute maximum of profits while leaving the cleanup costs to others, or the privatisation of profits but the socialisation of risk, we will continue to be governed by an élite that may perceive our emotions correctly but may not understand why we feel them because they are wired substantially differently. Of course, emotions are not the only guide in life. Some people are very passionate about certain subjects, activities, passtimes or lifestyles or outlooks but are able to connect with people well outside of these in meaningful ways. The patriarchal era of companies which ensured employment for life is largely gone. And with it, people took their cues from the new corporate culture and started to look after their own interests first. Obviously, in large corporations, the difficulty lies in reforming corporate culture beyond commercial mantras. Lots of leaders believe they are visionaries but sometimes it is the staff and sometimes junior staff who will help make the corporation more nimble and agile in the marketplace while being able to empathise with the general public.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:58:13 +0000

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