I do not know, laugh or cry when we hear the media «Almmatah and - TopicsExpress


I do not know, laugh or cry when we hear the media «Almmatah and entrepreneurship» which is paying lip service to the steadfastness of Bashar al-Assad and the victory over the «cosmic conspiracy» and make it fail. If the plot had failed and led to the destruction of Syria and the displacement of people, so how about if successful, God forbid? How it would put Syria? Maybe another victory and disappears from the map of our country! Hey Taatfajron steadfastness of Bashar al-Assad and the victory of the Syrian state: if you know the truth, to weep blood on «steadfastness» alleged even now, if he fell, and fell Hosni Mubarak and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, to Syria and arrived here. Bashar al-Assad, my boobies, did not hold, but wanted the enemies of Syria that all this time remains to destroy our country through and through him. They succeeded. Noted that the fall of Mubarak and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia and Egypt during the weeks saved Egypt and Tunisia from ruin and devastation in Syria because of the fall of Assad. If Mubarak and Ben Ali stayed in power, it would Musrotons now in a similar situation to Syria, God forbid. But their fall saved the Tunisia and Egypt, and was a blessing to them, while he was «resilience» Bashar alleged curse on Syria and Syrians. Syrias enemies, including Russia and Iran have begun, to prolong the ordeal and Syrian support for Bashar al-Assad rejected any attempt to step down since the first moments. Conspiracy real cosmic mission has been to Syria to maintain the lion, because staying ensures more destruction and collapse of the enemies of the service. Bashar al-Assad strategic treasure for Israel and America in practical terms, it has carried out all Tiridates, and possibly much more. Which is a great magnet to attract all kinds of wicked Syria to turning it into rubble. What the enemies of Syria wants more beautiful than that? The entire tipping thanks Bashar Assad services area. It is a leader of the project chaos «Alhlakh.» Had abandoned him at the beginning of the Syrian crisis, hyenas have been able to deliver the world to the Middle East as it is now from the chaos and turmoil and disasters and unrest? If America and Israel wanted to Tkaviana, to Hidta Bashar statues of gold. It confirms that one of the capitals witnessed a major conference closed on Syria before period, attended by senior strategists Western and international officials: he asked one audience a senior official: «Why do not you intervene in Syria», he replied official: «the situation in Syria is very ideal for us, all bad who hate losing, and perish in Syria. We could easily put an end to Bashar al-Assad, but if Onhinah, to stop mass required. We want to stay suspended, because like a magnet that attracts bad to the Syrian Holocaust, Faihrgahm, and burn them ». Dear Ranters steadfastness Bashar: If you do not Taatfajroa, but weep and tear on the homeland, and collapsed, and the people displaced by «resilience» Basharkm. It is exactly what he wants the enemies of Syria. America calls to step down, Bashar, and Russia refuses. Game blatant years-long goal to extend the period of destruction. Someday Stendmon the applause of the steadfastness of the «poisoned» which cost us a home, and make our people food for fish in the seas, and made you, ye Shabiha Taatsabakon to submit applications for asylum in Germany and elsewhere. Bashar steadfastness yet like a tree that obscure the forest, using it as a cover and a pretext exposed to finish off the rest of the country was named Syria. Crushed the steadfastness cost us tons and was named Syria!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 05:31:14 +0000

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