I do not know when the initiative was lost to the devil in - TopicsExpress


I do not know when the initiative was lost to the devil in Nigeria. I just grew up to know that things do not work well in Nigeria because of the presence of the devil. It does seem that the devil is permanently dwelling in Nigeria. Yet Revelation 12:9 does not say that the devil landed in Nigeria when he lost his place in heaven and was hauled down to earth by the Arch Angel Michael. Perhaps Nigeria and Nigerians, ever kind to political fugitives saw the devil roaming homeless in the void and decided to offer him political asylum. It was the same way that Mohammed Siad Bare of Somali and Charles Taylor of Liberia were adopted for rehabilitation when both men lost their paradises and were searching for new dwelling places. And so, the devil has been with us since time immemorial, even before Nigeria was manufactured in 1914. In fact, the position is that that fellow called Sir Frederick Luggard was pushed by the devil to forcefully weld the North and South of the River Niger areas into Nigeria in 1914. If the devil had been kept far from Nigeria when he was driven from heaven, perhaps the event of 1914, which some people cynically call a very costly error, would have taken a different course. Possibly, something close to 200 or more nations could have emerged in the stead of Nigeria and we would not be here today wasting time, treasure and talent doing this endless balancing act called federal character or fighting tooth and nail to invent a nation out of the disunited nations of Nigeria. In 1960, the devil was on call again. He pushed us into a pre-mature independence when the British colonialists had not quite finished preparing us for a solid take off. We hurried them back to London without considering the deeper implications of their quick exit. If the British had stayed behind, say for another 50 years, they would have helped us to put in place a few more things which could have saved us from the current agony of failing electricity, bad roads, lack of portable water, unreliable healthcare, poor educational system, etc, etc. The devil did not even allow the Nigerian successors to manage the independence well. From day one, he caused so many bad things to happen. One bad thing led to another and only seven years after independence, the devil pushed the country into a civil war. Like the independence, the civil war was also pre-mature. It was the devil that caused it. The war failed woefully to achieve its purpose. Millions of people just died for nothing sake. That alleged task to keep Nigeria one for which the people died is still outstanding 43 years after the civil war. Now, the man who insisted we should Go On With One Nigeria in spite of everything, to the contrary, has floated a prayer ministry called Nigeria Pray and he is trying frantically to achieve through other means what the guns and bombs could not settle. The man is not the only one praying. Today, there are more churches in Nigeria than there are industries, and all their owners who are also called General Overseers, are praying and mounting vigil to ensure that the devil is kept at bay. The mosques and imams are also multiplying for the same purpose of containing the devil. To say the least, the results have been minimal. The devil has refused to be caged; he is still roaring, seeking to do more havoc even after causing us to rise and fall through four republics in less than 40 years of independence. Painful still, the devil is all over the place in this Fourth Republic. There is absolutely nothing to show that he has gone to the Garden of Eden in the Middle East for a long vacation. And in discussing the Fourth Republic, let us, for the purpose of creating a more current perspective, leave out Obasanjo and even the late Musa Yar’Adua. Somehow, there is a consensus that God has a hand in the dramatic ascendance of President Goodluck Jonathan. This is another way of saying that, Jonathan, like King David, is God’s anointed. If this is the understanding, the devil, who understands the rule of engagement will maintain his position and stay clear from Aso Rock Villa. This is however not the case and it is extremely disturbing. The devil is still pushing hard against the anointed Jonathan! Only two scenarios are plausible. It is either Jonathan, being God’s anointed is a fake claim or like King Saul, the spirit of God has been forced by PREVIOUS accumulated misdeeds to take flight from Aso Rock. Either way, Nigerians are going to suffer because the devil is now fully in charge. For instance, universities have remained closed for three weeks running because the devil caused the Federal Government to abandon the implementation of an agreement it signed with the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in 2000. In fact, on the ASUU matter, the devil has been operating from both ends. He has also hardened the hearts of the striking teachers and caused them to rebuff public plea to resume work. It is most pathetic. Even when lecturers leave the campuses and become part of government, the devil will step in immediately and make them to turn their backs against their primary constituency – the university. It explains why the heavy population of former university lecturers in government, including President Jonathan himself, the minister of education, Prof. Ruquayattu Rufai and a former ASUU president, Prof Atahiru Jega is not helping to soften matters. The devil has turned their brains upside down and they are seeing money not the future of education in Nigeria. Boko Haram sect is another operational area of the devil.the devil is ensuring that no weapon fashioned against Boko Haram ever prospered until recently . It is the reason why the emergency rule is fast becoming an emerging rule of carnage. But the sect members claim they are the real people fighting the devil.SHEKAU wants us to beg for amnesty and not the other way round. They argue that the devil has made life difficult for the mass of the people in the Northern part of Nigeria. It complicates the matter as the devil at once becomes indeterminate in the crossfire between government and Bokom Haram. And so, who, between government and Boko Haram is the real devil? Let’s stick to the point. The purpose here is not to unveil the face of the devil but to simply explain his operations in Nigeria. Even in the Niger Delta, where peace was achieved through some mechanism called Amnesty programme, the devil has cast a big spanner into the works and things have begun to get bad again in the creeks. The kidnapping, oil theft, vandalisation of oil facilities and other forms of naked criminality have resumed. One estimate says the devil uses foreigners and Nigerians to steal about one third of the nation’s oil out-put. We are totally helpless. When we conduct elections to recruit good men to fix these problems, the devil emerges somewhere in the details to subvert the collective will. The devil will throw up thieves as councillors, council chairmen, legislators, governors, etc. What then do we do? We have prayed and are still praying through General Gowon and all the General Overseers, but nothing is changing. The Jonathan transformation is stunted. This is traceable to the devil, who is preventing the President from using available men and resources to transform Nigeria to a first world, while at the same time pushing the President to some corners in the deep South and far East in an elusive search for wise men to fix the loose nuts in Nigeria. To even create a workable federal constitution for ourselves is a problem because the devil will not allow robust debates on the subject to thrive. For instance, in the ongoing efforts to amend the 1999 Constitution, the real issues of wealth creation and its allocation vis-a-vis the distribution of responsibilities at the different levels of government under a federal structure are left unattended. The devil ably disguised as YERIMA has pushed the distinguished members to seek the inclusion in the constitution of some amorous liberties that would allow men to marry children as wives. It is enough to say the devil is everywhere in Nigeria. He is in the public sector, much as he is present in the private sector, where he is teaching people how to collect petroleum subsidy money from government without importing fuel. He is in the homes, where he causes men to beat up their wives and children to disobey parents. It is also the devil that causes the indolent child to flunk his exams in school and pass sometimes by blocking some unscrupulous lecturers . The devil is responsible for everything wrong. He graciously came to absolve Nigerians of all responsibilities. But for the devil, Nigeria would have elected the best leaders to transform the country. But for the devil, Nigeria would have been operating a prosperous federal system. The devil is to blame. If Baba God knew (please pardon the blasphemy) what the devil would cost Nigeria, He would have settled the matter in heaven after the failed Lucifer coup. I mean, Jehovah should have allowed Angel Michael to finish Satan instead of throwing him down to Nigeria. Now, see what Nigeria is facing!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 17:55:31 +0000

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