I do not normally sit around and feel sorry for myself or my lot - TopicsExpress


I do not normally sit around and feel sorry for myself or my lot in life. I dont whine and cry about my daily struggles. Thats not to say that it isnt apparent to many that know me that I have health issues - albeit some within - but most BEYOND my control...with the exception a a select few I do not discuss my personal health concerns... But when I have some all-knowing individual just have the audacity to tell me that I used to be so motivated, to the point of having OCD. I just need to suck it up and realize everyone has aches and pains as they get older. I need to get back to work, just getting out there is half the battle, youll see. After all its not fair to Nate that he has sole responsibility.... blah, blah, blah Im pretty sure I blacked out from rage for a second or two!! 😡 First of all, what is or is not Nates responsibility is OUR business and we will make decisions accordingly. Second, I am not lazy, Im no less motivated than I ever was. I just happen to be dealing with something you obviously have no understanding of! Lastly, just because I do not broadcast my personal business does not mean the issues dont exist. It does not mean that getting out of bed and being any sort of productive doesnt take all of my effort some days; just because I say Im good, Im great, etc when someone asks how I am... Does not mean I actually am... It means I dont care to get into the pain I suffer every single minute of every single day with someone who is just trying to be polite at the grocery store. I choose to not dwell on what I cannot change; and not make those around me have to suffer along with me. I dont need to explain myself to you or anyone else, but in the event that you feel the need to concern yourself with my business or worry about my familys welfare again - please educate yourself before you open your mouth to judge me again! Im sorry for that, I had to get that off my chest. It made me wonder how many other people think this way of me without knowing the whole story. I begrudgingly admit that the idea of people thinking Im lazy, looking for sympathy, or am exaggerating or imagining this pain bothered me... To them I say: Step into my shoes, walk for 1 HOUR in my life... Then we can talk After all, one of the Rules to Live By is: what others think of me is none of my business Ill try to remember that.....
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:56:27 +0000

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