I do not often talk about things that are very personal to me on - TopicsExpress


I do not often talk about things that are very personal to me on here, just chit chat and promo for Fortuna Ranch, but I wanted to draw on some courage and use Mothers Day to honour some very special people who were part of my Mums latter years life story, which is quite an unusual one.... I remember with such happy memories taking my Mum to The Hairy Ones gigs with us. She had been suffering from severe depression for years since my darling Dad died, and nothing our family did or any of the pills the Doctors gave her seemed to help, they had been inseperable from their teenage years and she just could not get her head around he was gone now.Such devotion. She would not leave the house and finally stopped eating. I had to get her 24/7 support and she moved onto a private care placement with an old family friend Val. Then Val Cooper unwittingly provided the key to Mums recovery, she suggested Mum wrote to the same guy she had been writing to for years on Texas Death Row, she said this man is inspirational Madge, he helped me through some of my darkest times when I was so ill. Mum started writing to this man and over the next few months I could see a change in her. I was intrigued, I asked to read one of the letters, now coming 2 and 3 times a week. I could not believe it, this man, who had never met my old Mum was showing her such compassion and caring and offering her advice about things she had obviously felt she couldnt talk to us about, and he was telling her little jokes, I would come in and find her laughing her dead off, I could not as I say believe it. The man I am telling you about was Mark Stroman. Over a period of about 3 years, Mum regained her health and moved once again into her own little home in January 2011.She was so happy and would wait eagerly for Jenny our Postlady to bring her Marks letters. Our family is eternally grateful to Mark Stroman. He single handedly was responsible for my old Mums recovery. You can see in the picture above, she was again enjoying life and despite being a Michael Ball fan, discovered rock music was far more fun! :) There of course with Mark being on Death Row Texas is a sad end to this tale I am sharing with you about my Mum, in February 2011, Mark received his date , when she got his letter gently telling her this, she said to me if they take him our Linda they might as well take me!, and despite the wonderful efforts of Reprieve whom I had contacted to try and help Mark, and despite the amazing quest of one of Marks victims Rais Bhuiyan, who I am proud to call my friend, the State of Texas executed Mark 20th July 2011.. My darling Mum did not want to go on without the support of her dearest friend, and died 8 weeks to the day.The morning of her death while we were stood in her little kitchen she said to me, Im afraid our Linda I said what of darlin? she said Of dying alone, she pointed at Marks picture and said He said we would walk up that hill together, but hes gone without me.. I took her hand and said He will come back for you Mum and walk with you... This very personal story I am sharing with my friends here on Facebook to honour not only the memory of my darling Mum, but to honour the man who has my utmost gratitude for making the last few years of her life happy ones, Mark Stroman. As he had been a biker we use to close our letters out in respect of our shoulder to shoulder fight to try and save his life, so once again I say Till the Mutha Fkin Wheels Fall Off Mark x
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 11:22:45 +0000

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