I do not participate in or tolerate drama in my life. I believe - TopicsExpress


I do not participate in or tolerate drama in my life. I believe women should be classy, articulate and respectful no matter the circumstances. I do not get women like this. This is a stranger. Ive experienced this exact scenario with my old bosses wife, and another time about an ex. Truthfully- I deserve a man to myself, I dont want yours. For anyone else who may be wondering- I respect marriage and you can keep your husband... Heres the story. :/ Jamie So, Robert says he cant remember why he knows you, but you liked a recent status he posted which was pretty vague, can you tell me how you know each other?! Im about to marry him after living together 10 years, I feel its a bit important. Jamie He works with UPRR if that helps any. And a year and a half ago they stayed at the hotel where you work for quite a few months. Ring a bell? I would come visit on the weekends but he never introduced us. Said he is helping you but didnt expound. I think one of you should probably share what you know. Christina Winn I have only ever integrated with Robert on a professional level through working at the hotel. He akin with the other kind workers had helped me with business projects where I have had to ask questions to different professionals but Ive been done with school for a couple years. Havent seen or heard from any of them since I changed jobs years back. All of them were very nice and respectful, and those that were married were kind in their description of their families. I saw a lot of people do things at that hotel but the whole team, even the young single ones were very clean honest men that I could see. Christina Winn My phone may have a few typos with auto correct so if something doesnt make sense, pls ask integrated is interacted * akin is along* Jamie Thank you. There are some issues we are trying to work through. His private Facebook is extremely concerning to me when I find strange, attractive women on his pages and posts and he doesnt offer an explanation. He has a bit of an addiction, if you will, that Im learning more and more about. Unfortunately most of my learning is accidental, but extremely painful nonetheless. I just need to know what I might be getting into and how many surprises I may encounter - or if this just isnt worth it. I wont stand for secret pictures or women. Im not too sure what railroaders can provide in the way of school prep, but it will get me nowhere to dwell on those things. I would certainly hope he was appropriate in his relationship responsibilities, but like I say, I shouldnt accidentally be finding out about these secrets. I did ask him to delete any woman that he would feel inappropriate on his FB and instead he deleted his entire Facebook. That speaks volumes to me that there may be feelings involved?! Either way, Im looking out for my own feelings right now so I appreciate you responding. Im truly not a psycho fiancé, just feeling a little blind-sided by all this. Christina Winn You dont come off crazy at all. I had an ex husband very similar. Let him know in a kind way that if he wants the relationship that he gets to do every possible thing to give you peace of mind because that is not too much to ask for. Trust isnt optional. If he makes that effort I think that shows a mans priorities . Robert has never been inappropriate with me but I have only interacted with him a professional work environment. He commented once or twice years ago on a status and simply said. Be positive, stay strong but nothing else. I hope this helps. I know the feelings and I pray you all find the best happiness for you all. Jamie Do I dare ask how/why it was decided to become friends on Facebook?!! Christina Winn It was with a group of them because of them helping me fill out the questionnaire about work professions. I think because people just have a lot of friends we just forgot, having thousands of people and someone you interact worth once every few years , I honestly think most people just forget Jamie The non-trusting person in me feels like Robert prepared these responses for you. Its so awkward. Christina Winn Seriously I really dont care at this point. Im sorry youre struggling but shy should I have to deal with this when I dont even know you guys. why* you think Im after some 50 yr old man across the us? There arent enough young single men in Utah or something? Reality check is needed- Jamie EXACTLY MY POINT!!!! If you dont know him, WHY were you Facebook friends?! Now ya get it. Didnt need your pep talk, doll, Im no dumb ass. But the messages you sent didnt match the articulation in your messages. Perhaps you should be more careful in your friend acceptances, cuz some 50 year old men arent looking at your cakes. Jamie That said, take care and I trust I wont see any more likes out this way. Christina Winn Forgive me for being polite and encouraging. You obviously havent met the honest good men that I have. Im sorry youve lost your faith in men but dont take it out on us women. Jamie Oh, I dont know, my family lives in Utah. Ive seen the dark side there, as well. Christina Winn Dark is everywhere but law of attraction. You attract what you see in the world. Best of luck. I have nothing to do with the man-
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 20:16:35 +0000

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