I do not understand respect for an archaic vision of hatred. That, - TopicsExpress


I do not understand respect for an archaic vision of hatred. That, to me, is the essence of religion. Religion separates humanity. It categorizes and labels. It creates the other. Oftentimes, or more realistically, most often it prejudices its adherents AGAINST the other. Religion unifies one part against the other. It divides. Certainly, it unifies. However, it does so in a negative manner. Religion says; We are this and you are that. AND THAT is an abomination. THAT is wrong. What is good about that? What can I find to respect about that? What if religion were to say; We are all one. We are different but we are all part of the same whole. It is ok that you are different. We can find common ground and live peaceably and honorably. Religion does not do this. Religion names the other sinner, infidel, heathen, savage, heretic, unbeliever, abomination. Religion dehumanizes and allows its adherents to think of the lives of all others as unworthy. Unless the other converts, submits, reverts or otherwise becomes a part of that religion. Religion is false. It is simply a means of falsely dividing the people of the earth and controlling that subset in accordance with the whims of the GoD of their leader. Religion keeps us divided. Religion is false. Why would I respect that? What earthly reason do I have to respect the religion of the crusades, of jihad, of honor killings, of genocide. This notion that we should respect the beliefs of others is insanity. No person who truly believes in Islam or Christianity can be tolerant or accepting of other religions or of persons who do not believe. Inherent in the beliefs of those two specific religions is the law, judgment, understanding that those who do not believe are going to a hell or will be punished for living their lives outside as a non-believer. There is no real tolerance and can be no real acceptance of others for those who truly believe in the writings of the Bible or the Quran. To a true believer, you are as good as judged by their GoD. You are unworthy. You are infidel. You are perpetual outsider with no hope of redemption or salvation UNLESS you become one of them...unless you join their FAITH. And, like the song by Queen, there can be only one. The two cannot coexist in any true sense. To believe one is to believe the other false. To be one is to believe that the other is not fully human...not worthy of everlasting life. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! Inherent in the beliefs of those two religions is a disrespect for all other living creatures who dwell upon this planet. You are unclean. You are infidel. You are heathen. You are savage. You are abominable. That IS the belief. Am I supposed to respect that fundamental hatred of who I am?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:45:20 +0000

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