I dont HAVE to explain myself to anyone but Im going to anyway, - TopicsExpress


I dont HAVE to explain myself to anyone but Im going to anyway, just want to clear up any mislead interpretations. I am George Stockmans wife, as most of you know he had been the guitarist of BreathingNewLife. No slander intended to the band here but some things are being said and brought to our attention left and right. I did NOT make George leave the band. Georges decision was indeed HIS decision and his decision was not to leave the band, it was to gig once a month or so and put his family (the kids and me) back on that number one spot that we never should have been booted from in the first place. He basically got booted from the band because once a month or so wasnt good enough apparently. So no support on the fact that he was trying to do right by his kids and wife. I find that messed up. For anyone who agrees that this makes ME, his wife, selfish: let me ask you this, are you a parent? Do you know what its like to have kids asking now where is daddy and why doesnt he spend the weekends with them anymore since he had started doing gigs every single weekend and even some during the week? Do you know what its like to try to give your kids a bath and both of them cry bc they want their daddy to do it and dont understand that daddy is at a gig once again and wont be home til 1, 2, even 3 in the morning? Do you know what its like to have a husband not come home from work or tell you he had somewhere to go bc once again he had an errand to run or meeting to catch for the band? Work has him missing enough with these kids. He HATES missing first steps and first words and them learning new things. Why get him so hung up in constant gigs using up ALL his spare time when hes not at work and rob this new coming baby of what Haylee and Zachary know of their daddy? Why take from Haylee and Zachary what theyve known longer than youve been, lets say it, back in the picture getting the ball rolling again? See with all this being said, I have not mentioned the pure and utter loneliness the wife was feeling, as if on the weekends I was just a single mom when Im certainly not single. And to have my wishes and our agreements and his promises disregarded? And still I never asked or made him leave the band. In fact, before things got carried away I was at every gig I could make it to within reason cheering him on and rooting for him bc I happen to think hes as well a rocking musician as he is a wonderful husband and father. But I myself stood at those gigs missing my kids vowing to not let this become a habit to be away from them at gigs, George vowed that same thing. Then that got forgotten to please the band as well, so we got pushed to the backseat. All I did was get upset and fed up and tell him how I felt and what this was doing to the kids and yes to George and me, the phenomenal couple. Then outsiders began labeling me selfish, among other uncalled for things. One of those outsiders involved happens to be one, if not 2, of his very band members. So now that this is off my chest and out here as well, yall can take it or leave it, but once again yall have not been at home in this apt with me and these kids to truly SEE what this was doing. I will say however George has always been far better off on his own with his music ;)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 05:01:41 +0000

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