I dont believe in the bible but I beleive in Christian values. I - TopicsExpress


I dont believe in the bible but I beleive in Christian values. I believe in science and I believe in god. I believe in jesuss message but I dont believe he was gods one and only son who was sent to earth to die on a cross for our sins to become our Lord and savior. And I dont believe any soul would ever be condemmed to eternal suffering in a firey region popularly known as hell to be raped burned and tourtured by a big red demonic goat man for all eternity as a punishment from god for simply choosing the wrong religion. Christs message was one of unconditional love, and regardless of religious beliefs, through uncondotional love kindness mutaual respect and compassion there is salvation. Heaven and hell is a state of mind. When there is no love life can be a living hell, when love is present we create heaven on earth. If Im wrong and the Bible is true then god is an almighty morbid vengeful asshole and I would never worship such a petty god. Fortinately the way I perceive god is a universal consciousness, infinite oneness and interconnectesness. God didnt create the universe, god became the universe. And ever living being every conscious observer in the universe is a part of the universe and a way for the universe to experience every aspect of its own creation while basking in the mystery of its own creation. God is everything, we are all one. So we should try to love each other.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 19:23:02 +0000

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