I dont believe this Michael Brown thing has gotten this far out of - TopicsExpress


I dont believe this Michael Brown thing has gotten this far out of hand. Really. Its bullshit. I understand the outrage of an unarmed man being shot no matter what his skin color is, but youll never convince me that looting stores, robbing people, assaulting people, destroying property and outright just stealing other peoples shit is a plausible excuse for outrage over the shooting of an (alleged) thug who just robbed a store minutes earlier. Its not character assassination to show that footage so that excuse is bullshit as well. However, I dont believe the guy deserved to die. I believe he should have been arrested and given a fair trial...but...The Reverend Jesse Jackson and his riot-inciting cohort Reverend Al Sharpton would have people believe that in America a guy like Michael Brown would NEVER get a fair trial in the first place so the way I look at it, youre damned if you do and youre damned if you dont. Sharpton, Jackson and other Civil Rights activists always seem to be the ones who create these riots by going to these towns where these things happen and getting people fired up. Just my opinion. That dont make it right OR wrong its just the way I feel. But I get so sick and tired of Black and White. Whos wrong. Whos right. Its all bullshit. Take George Zimmerman, for example. I think personally that he should have been found guilty of SOMETHING. I think Zimmerman was an overzealous cop wannabe who was trolling the streets of his neighborhood, started getting his ass kicked because he was harassing Martin, and he pulled the trigger when things got too tough for him to take. But the fact is Zimmerman was given a trial in front of a jury of his peers and was found not guilty. Same thing with O.J. Simpson. Fair trial. Questionable outcome. Just like Zimmerman. So how come it is that alot of the same folks who were outraged when George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder last year were clapping, screaming and cheering when O.J. Simpson was found not guilty of murder in 1995? As far as Im concerned, two murderers got away with murder. Could it be a double standard in the racial divide in America? I invite you after you get finished reading my rant to check out the link to the video below and meet Brian Sterner. Brian Sterner broke his neck years ago and is a quadriplegic. Sterner, who can drive, was arrested on a traffic violation. When he was booked into the Hillsborough County Jail, he couldn’t believe what happened next. Sheriffs Deputy Charlette Jones looked at him and didn’t believe he was a quadriplegic. She walked behind him, grabbed the handles on the back of the hospital-grade wheel chair and dumped him onto the ground. Sterner says he tried to roll as he was going down, but hit so hard he thought he had broken two ribs. Then, while he was on the floor, deputies frisked him and carelessly tried to get him back into the chair. When WTSP tried to get a written report about the incident, the major who runs the Orient Road Jail said there is no incident report, because as far as they are concerned, they didnt have a problem with, or cause a problem to, an inmate in a wheelchair. But don’t tell that to Brian Sterner. Sterner says its incredibly degrading and it’s an example of how poorly trained the Hillsborough Sheriffs Office is. He adds, if they’re trying to figure out if somebody needs to be in a wheelchair or not, there are many other ways to do it than to dump someone on their face. Now...Im not trying to knit-pick, but if you watch the footage below carefully, you WILL OBSERVE that the two cops in the video are...AHEM...NON-caucasion. (Dont want to offend anybody.) Youll also observe that Sterner is CAUCASION. Just pointing this out. So my question is this. Where were you Al Sharpton? Where were YOU, Jesse Jackson? Why werent you in Tampa, Florida a while back when this crime against humanity happened? A quadriplegic caucasion was dumped from his wheelchair by two non-caucasion cops. Oh...HOLY SHIT! I think Ive already answered my own question. Its sad that a young man died. He had his life taken away at 18. As stated above, his skin color doesnt matter. But is stealing shit and destroying other peoples property going to bring this guy back? And are these people really looting just because theyre so outraged or is it just because they want an excuse to assault, vandalize, steal and break laws? Ill let you decide that for yourself.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 04:17:56 +0000

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