I dont care what your opinion on Ferguson is, because no matter - TopicsExpress


I dont care what your opinion on Ferguson is, because no matter what YOU think, the reality is these situations are never clear. Eye witness testimony is far less accurate than it is given credit for being, the media creates turmoil over everything, and no matter what this isnt the first or last time we as Americans find ourselves completely puzzled and ultimately divided by one of these situations where well never actually know the whole truth. The reality is there is a community in turmoil. The reality is statements that are being made from one side or the other are statements of some kind of ignorance that are pretty much gross generalizations of entire races based off someones personal levels of racism/reverse racism. The reality is this situation is more serious than any of us could imagine. So, evaluate yourselves. Evaluate the origin of your feelings on the matter. Every life matters. Every community matters. The answer isnt just tolerance, the answer is love and respect. So, be painstakingly honest with yourself. If you find the origin of your reaction to tonights verdict and the chaos that has followed isnt one that reflects respect and love for lives of every race and culture, start there. Dont judge how someone else was raised, dont speculate on why a trigger was pulled, dont preach about why the riots and reactions are or arent ever going to make a difference. Start with yourself. Make yourself better. If we all did started there, wed find ourselves in these situations less often. If we all started with ourselves and how our own evolution can keep something like this from happening again, THAT would make a difference.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 06:54:56 +0000

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