** I dont care who you are, getting paid by the hour and salary - TopicsExpress


** I dont care who you are, getting paid by the hour and salary sucks and you shouldnt have to do it... in my opinion it should be illegal. Youre one of Gods highest form of creation why on earth would you let someone tell you when to show up, when to pee, when to eat lunch and how much youre worth, that doesnt make sense to me. Link with me and you can create your own income. You can be 16 and make as much money as you want or be 60 and make as much as you want. The average person out here in NY, or Germany, or Sweden, or Oklahoma, or Chicago has NO IDEA how to make money.. thats why most people you know in your life are broke.. and its not their fault but its not taught in high school or college, you have to learn from someone already doing it. Thats why they say if you wanna be a basketball player you need to study Michael Jordan, wanna be a soccer player study David Beckham, and if youre sitting here reading this status and you wanna make 6 figures you prob should study from someone already doing it, and thats what my free training will show you. Taking advice from your dads best friend banking $50k a year, probably shouldnt listen to that person... because if say what people say and do what they do youre gonna get what they have every single time guys.. you can be the smartest person in the world with the highest SAT in the world or go to the best college in the world but if youre not in the right place at the right time with the right people chances are youll be struggling financially for the rest of your life. Most of my friends that DONT market online with me dont have jobs... dude theyre broke.. like nooo money man. You cant live life with no money. Thats why this is a 1-3 year plan to where you NEVER have to worry about money ever again. I took action and starting linking with kids in their 20s making $10,000/week... Obviously if theres someone in your age demographic making 10 grand a week with no job, no boss and no hours youre probably gonna wanna hear about what the dudes doing. If someone tells you u need to be smart to make money chances are they have none... you have to surround yourself with people that (A) know what theyre doing, (B) know where theyre going, and (C) are gonna TEACH you what to do. This is already working... theres nothing you can say to contest this. Youre either in or youre out. Youre either in and wanna make a lot of money and live the life you want or youre gonna go out, get a degree, make a resume, go BEG someone to hire you, work 40 hours a week for 40 years of your life and retire at 40% of your income. Our generation knows the system is broken and weve decided to take a stand here as young people and say you know what... instead of just going out and making somebody elses dream come true and be an average mediocre... I think Im gonna be my own boss, help all my friends make a lot of money, and were gonna live the life we wanna live. Theres 3 types of people in this world guys, those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wondered what happen... which one are you? **
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 16:43:48 +0000

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