I dont do this often here...as a matter of fact, I may never have. - TopicsExpress


I dont do this often here...as a matter of fact, I may never have. But, many of you other rescue folks out there will feel my pain here. It takes years to build a reputation of truth and trust, because many of our supporters are not able to come, in person, for one reason or another. We are working on 3 years of sacrificing everything, and I mean everything, for the horses in our care. While every now and then we ask for outside support, this operation is mainly funded by myself and Chris. We have some decicated people, admins and board memebers, that do what they can every month, too. We do have some partial sponsorships as well for a couple of the horses. What makes us different, (and I do not mean better here), needs to be said. I did not decide to start a horse rescue. I was a foster for 19 horses in the beginning. When that rescue wanted out of horses, I took over and started Mea Olas Place to continue the commitment to several lame and senior unadoptable horses. I came up with the dream of using them as therapy horses so that at some point, maybe, just maybe, they could help to support themselves. We are using them for therapy, but so far, we have done it for free...just to help people! To this day, I have not been out on a mission to find ones to save. Not because I dont want to save them all, but plenty to save just happen to cross my path. We have commitments to many that we have to make every month, first. When I am approached about a horse in need, I have to weigh that decision so carefully, because the buck stops here. We are personally responsible to care for each horse both physically and financially, so our numbers have stayed relatively small. Bigger rescues can go find broke, sound horses to find homes for, and they go fast. That is great! But, we count each life as valuable here...one at a time...and for some, that might be 20 years, and they may not be adoptable! We take ones that even other rescues pass up. So, I cant be out searching for horses to save...at least not yet. Our numbers our now this..24 lives saved, 9 horses adopted and 2 returned, for good reasons. We have loved 5 that we spent their last moments with as they had to cross the rainbow bridge when their times came. We currently have 13 rescues, 2 horses of our own, and our donkey that we adpoted from BLM so Rowdy could have a companion... and a rescued pony that boards here. For a total of 17 to care for at the moment. I have always shared the horses, from day one, with anyone and everyone. Our home and ranch has been open to strangers that we treat and love like family since we started. Some of these people have become loyal supporters. Most have known nothing about horses, and many had never even seen a horse in real life, much less were ever able to touch them or build a relationship with a horse before finding MOP. They have become horse advocates and have gone on to support our efforts and their own local rescues, BLM horses, etc., which I have always encouraged. But ,occasionally we run into bad apples. It is dangerous to listen to vindictive, bitter people, with little knowledge of horses that want to destroy us, or anyone else, because they were unable to get their way, or got their feathers ruffled for one reason or another. And, I do not care if someone donates $10 or $10,000.00 to help our horses or cause, you will be treated the same here...as a member of our family. When hurt and deception comes from someone close and on the inside...it can rock your world. Thankfully, I have never let the minority rule. But, I am human and I can get hurt and angry. The decision to take in Spider has caused some concern. First, he will take up a corral and money from other, more adoptable horses. I do not like that thinking...or put it this way...that is not what M.O.P is about. Every life is precious and he deserves a chance. Second, he is a stallion. I am sorry, but I have to laugh at this one. The poor guy only knows he is a BABY right now. He is in a stall that is over 6 ft tall and reinforced with railroad ties. He is NOT going to escape and breed a mare before he is gelded! He couldnt mount something with his busted pelvis, even if he wanted to...which he DOES NOT want to anyway! I have fought and fought for this boy to have a chance. I have ruffled some feathers in doing so. Please, please, please... do me just the smallest of favors? If you hear strange things that make no sense about what you have known and trusted myself and MOP to be for over 2 and a half years now....dont tell someone that cant tell you the truth. Message us here. We have horses on cam, our ranch is always open, we have nothing to hide. But, please do not go and spread some of the hatred that is going on right now. Instead, take the time to share a post for a horse in need...or go volunteer for your local rescue. Use your time wisely...it is the only thing that is finite in this world. Think about that :)
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:33:13 +0000

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