I dont generally post too many dog articles on the page....not - TopicsExpress


I dont generally post too many dog articles on the page....not because I dont enjoy them or think that they are important, but just because well...there is only so much time to post and I dont even get to all the Snooty posting that I need to do everyday!!!! However, this one made me laugh because I was just talking to a friend about the questions people will ask me (or just state out loud) about some of my dogs....mainly Nana. With Nana I regularly get the following (ps, if you dont know who Nana is, she is our very large, very hairy, very black female Newfie). 1. Is that a bear? (if I had a dollar for every time someone asked me this, we would never have to fundraise) 2. How do you feed her? (I never know exactly what this means). 3. Is she a black Pyrenees (um, there is no such thing as a black pyrenees....which is okay not to know...I get that, but Im just saying....there isnt one!!) 4. Is she a black Saint Bernard (um, repeat response to #3) 5. Does she weigh more than you? (A. never ask a woman that PERIOD...B. Im standing right there, its a bit obvious that she is bigger than me) 6. I could never have that in my house. (probably not the right thing to say to me...especially when your child is having a complete meltdown over what appears to be an imaginary friend severing ties) 7. And last, the thing that drives me the craziest is when we enter into the vet clinic or another public place and people look at her and immediately get their dogs out of the way, put their children behind their backs, and stand up on the closest chair. ITS A LARGE HAIRY BLACK DOG!!!! SHE DROOLS...SHES NOT RABID...AND SERIOUSLY? Do they all maybe really think shes a bear and thus the response? Sure shes big, but she is the sweetest, most gentle giant ever (okay, there was that ONNNNEEEE time...ha ha, just kidding!!!) There are plenty of dogs bigger than her...granted, breeds larger than Newfs dont tend to have long hair, so maybe thats the difference, because I never see anyone flee from the Great Danes that are out and about around town. Anyone else have questions that people ask you about your dogs or dog ownership that make you want to wear a sign stating the obvious? dogster/lifestyle/smart-ass-comebacks-answers-stupid-pet-questions-dog-humor?utm_source=Sters+Newsletter+Subscribers&utm_campaign=f9e19a860f-05172014_Dogster_newsletter_DRAFT5_16_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6475ac9af2-f9e19a860f-302829617
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 03:32:05 +0000

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