I dont get the part about the father reprimanding the son for - TopicsExpress


I dont get the part about the father reprimanding the son for trying to convince an old neighbour to sell his(the old neighbours own) flat. (Not translated into Chinese in the video description:x), since I do not watch television dramas on television itself, anymore, but what he said/rant-ed is very true. What I think this translates to in English(below the Chinese sentences provided by the video description): 你以为着急赚钱的人只有我一个吗? Do you think that the only person anxious to earn money is me? 你去问一下其他的年轻人,有谁不着急? Go ask other young people, who is not anxious? 服完兵役,念完大学23,24岁,一转眼30岁就到了。 After finishing (full-time) National Service, finishing university studies at 23 or 24 years old, in the blink of an eye, 30 years old occurs. 在这短短几年时间,要结婚,要买房子,要生孩子,没钱行吗? In these short years, there is a need to marry, purchase an apartment, and have children, are these possible without money? 现在一间组屋至少30,40万。 Nowadays, a HDB (Housing Development Board) apartment costs at least 30 or 40k dollars. 就拿最基本的开销来说,如果你在市区工作,一天来回地铁两三趟,偶尔赶时间搭 个德士 ,光是交通费每天就要$6 - $7块钱 。 Take for instance basic expenses, if you are in the city area working, you need to take the MRT two to three times daily, and occasionally you will be in a hurry and take a taxi, just transport costs alone will require $6 to $7 daily. 吃顿午餐,最省最省$5-$6块钱。Having lunch, the least amount of money that needs to be spent is $5 to $6. 去个连锁咖啡店喝杯咖啡$6-$7块钱,$6、$7块。 Going to a coffee shop that is part of a coffee shop franchise chain, will take $6 to $7 for a cup of coffee, $6 to $7. 这还不说,为了响应政府号召,早结婚、早生孩子,那我得赶紧去交个女朋友。 Forget about this, in order to respond to the governments encouragement to marry early and have children early, I need to go out with a girlfriend as soon as I can. 如果不陪吃、陪喝、陪看戏、偶尔陪出国,外加送一点名牌礼物,就算我长一副明星脸也未必有女孩子要跟我。 If I do not eat, drink, watch movies or sometimes go overseas with her, and also give her branded gifts on top of that, even if I have a celebritys face, there may not be any girl who wants to go out with me. 有一些人还要读大学,贷款、分担家里的开销呢? Some people(probably referring to young Males like himself) still have to go through university, pay loans(may be referring to loans for financing university studies), and take care of household expenses? 等到要结婚的时候,摆一桌酒席$1000块开始起跳,拍个婚纱特辑$3000-$4000块钱,这都是钱钱钱啊! When it is time to marry, a banquet is at least $1000 per table, and taking a wedding photoshoot costs $3000 to $4000, this is all money, money, money! 我们这代年轻人不追求什么生活品质,就算是维持最起码的生活,不去赚一点钱行吗? We as the young people of this generation, do not go after material wealth, talking about just supporting our lives, is it possible not to go earn some money? 你们也不想养一个儿子,等到结婚的时候跟你要钱摆喜酒,等要建立家庭的时候跟你们要钱买房子。 You(his parents) also do not want to raise a son, who waits till he marries to asks you for money to have a wedding banquet, who waits until he needs to have a family to ask you for money to buy an apartment. 是,我承认我的手法是有一点极端,我有错,但是我的错是因为这个社会造成的! Yes, I admit my way of doing things is a little too extreme, I have committed a wrongdoing, but my wrongdoing is because of what society has caused! Disclaimer: I may have mistranslated what the actors script says. I refers to the actors character in the show. You refers to the characters parents. ---- After listening: I think I do not even have the money to buy a car, apartment or material wealth. (The 5 Cs in Singapore - Car, Condominium, Country Club, Credit Card, Cash) I also do not have the money to marry, so I can forget about getting a girlfriend.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 00:15:30 +0000

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