I dont hate you. I dont even dislike you so know that my decision - TopicsExpress


I dont hate you. I dont even dislike you so know that my decision to unfriend you is based solely on my need to enjoy this social interaction and not be brought to anger on a daily basis, so I now choose not to get a daily dose of what you have to say. At one point, I appreciated hearing your views even though you and I are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. You, the hardcore conservative and I, a staunch liberal coexisted in my FB world without our differences in views ever getting rude or ugly. But as time went on and your opinions became more and more abrasive towards our President, even though I have major problems with President Obama, I found myself becoming more and more angry from your posts. Now as our nation is gripped with emotion due to the fiasco in Ferguson, your cavalier and mean spirited opinions and views regarding the death of another unarmed black man at the hands of a police officer have me looking at you in another light. Its not just about Mike Brown. Its the culmination of your ideology that I feel is not just against the betterment of my people, but against whats good for the entire country and mankind as a whole. So for my peace of mind, my ability to enjoy social media interaction, and internet happiness, Im unfriending your ass cause Im tired of seeing the shit you got to say!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 20:24:48 +0000

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