I dont have a blog, but my latest email to all of the wonderful - TopicsExpress


I dont have a blog, but my latest email to all of the wonderful members of Bowery Crossfit would also be my latest post if I did have one. Thought Id share here… Farewell New York I remember the moment I decided I was going to move to New York… I was definitely excited, but also mildly terrified. Ok, really terrified. I’ve never been much of a big city type of guy. Most of my life always revolved around the outdoors in some capacity- board sports, whitewater rafting, motorcycle rides, rock climbing, hiking, camping, and whatever other random outdoor adventures I could find. As you can imagine, the transition to NYC was a bit shocking to someone who grew up in Arizona (and the only other place I’ve lived was Colorado). So why did I do it? I left a 4-bed/2-bath house with a nice backyard and a mortgage that is hundreds of dollars cheaper than renting a shared NYC shoebox. I left a nice boat and a beautiful lake 30 minutes from home. I left friends, family, and the coolest Rottweiler ever. Want to know why? Two reasons: 1) I knew what it was like to be part of an amazing Crossfit community, and I realized I had the rare opportunity to help establish one alongside a team of the most solid people on the east coast. 2) Life became a little bit too easy, borderline boring. It all sounds amazing on paper- and all of it really is amazing- but I was taking most of it for granted. I didn’t take advantage of all of those blessings as much as I should have. I read a book once called A Million Miles in a Thousand Years (by Donald Miller), and another one called Love Does (by Bob Goff) shortly thereafter. Both of them completely shifted my perspective on life and challenged me to live a better story. Want to know what makes a good movie? Things like adventure, risk, adversity, love, plot twists, humor, sacrifice, courage, and most importantly- character transformation. Want to know what makes a good life? Same stuff. I’ve experienced all of that and more during the past eight months here in NYC. I set out to live a new adventure, and holy dang, it has been one crazy adventure to say the least. Being a part of Bowery Crossfit has forever changed my life, and I’m willing to bet that most of you would say the same. The nutrition challenge, testing weeks and PRs, social events, the 80’s WOD, and especially the fundraiser WOD to help me recover from my apartment fire are all things that have contributed the remarkable community that we’ve established here at BCF. We’re all lucky to be part of such an incredible gym. Well friends, I write all of this to tell you that I am soon leaving for my next adventure. Or perhaps better stated, I am off to give my previous one a do-over. I will be moving back to Arizona on November 22. With that being said, I’m hoping to make this next month in NYC the best one yet. Considering that I’ve learned so much about this city, and I’m now aware of all the things I love about it, I think my odds in doing so are pretty good. Below are my top 5 of each- what I’ve learned and what I love… Learned 1. This isn’t Arizona- If someone is walking right behind you in Phoenix, you’re about to get jumped. In Manhattan, that’s just how people walk. Also- common pocketknives that everyone clips to their jeans in AZ are highly illegal in NYC. Oh, and you can’t park your motorcycle wherever you want unless you have a separate savings account reserved for parking tickets and tow fees. 2. Apartment hunting- It’s like the Hunger Games. Be prepared, move quickly, and arm yourselves with good credit, a checkbook/venmo, and a willingness to adapt. 3. People are truly interesting- I’ve had the privilege of getting to know so many of you on a level that goes much deeper than how much weight you can squat (pun intended). Everyone has a unique story… take a few minutes to slow down and ask about them. You’ll be fascinated. 4. Expect the unexpected- NYC is full of surprises… some really great ones, and some really terrible ones. I don’t think a full month has gone by since I arrived where I didn’t encounter some sort of crazy surprise. Now I just expect the monthly curveball. 5. Friends and community- Game changers. I would’ve been homeless multiple times if it hadn’t been for such solid people coming alongside me during various trials. Ya’ll know who you are… you have made a bigger impact than you’ll ever realize. Love 1. The food- It’s ridiculous. It should be illegal to have so much amazing food all in one place. Not to mention Seamless… all that food delivered to your doorstep? Even better. 2. There’s always something- You can’t get bored here. If you do, you need to seriously evaluate how you live. There are endless things to do and see and experience. 3. Upstate- If you haven’t left the city to go upstate, even a couple hours away, plan a retreat ASAP. Totally different and beautiful side of New York that doesn’t get half the credit it deserves. 4. Parks. Everywhere- Central, Washington Square, Bryant, Prospect. They’re all pretty awesome if you stop and take a moment to appreciate them. Don’t take them for granted. 5. Fly Cleaners- You have to try it at least once, even if you have your own washer and dryer. Having your laundry delivered to your door washed and folded makes for a pretty stellar smile. It’s very much a bittersweet feeling to say goodbye; it kind of reminds me of finishing a chapter in a really good book or a season of your favorite TV show… the best part is that you’ve loved it so far but you can’t wait for what’s next. I’ve loved my time with you guys, yet I’m excited for the next chapter and next season. Whether inside or outside of the gym, I hope to see you around for the next few weeks. Let’s have some fun!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:16:47 +0000

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