I dont have absolute confirmation because I havent been there - TopicsExpress


I dont have absolute confirmation because I havent been there lately, but I have come to believe that Hell has frozen over. I always thought it would be a cold day in hell before Americans would turn their backs on their fellow Americans ... [like our very own troops that sacrifice so much for us,] but its happening. More and more progressive liberal decisions to betray our countrymen have left me in utter disbelief of the amount of self-worship in this country. What happened? Is God not good enough for you? Is America not providing enough for you? I just dont understand. Republicans are greedy because they believe they should keep what they earn? You dems/libs are so full of yourselves that you dont realize you are destroying the very thing that keeps you afloat on this planet. I dont know the future. I am not a fortune teller, but it doesnt take a rocket scientist to see the direction were headed. Stop taking things for granted. ♫ Dont know whatchya got till its gone. ♫ Well... I dont want to lose everything weve earned just so the masses can realize the value of what we had to lose in the first place. [Because people were too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to realize... Americas Change is NOT the good kind of change that weve needed. Change you can believe in... or was it CHAINS you can believe in? I am not joking. This is real life history being rewritten here. Who is going to stop it from happening if not our very own countrymen against our very own countrymen?? *sigh* And thats barely the tip of the iceberg. Other news of Jewish activists on Mount Temple concern me, too. In Revelations, the temple will be rebuilt around the time of the appearance of the son of perdition. It must be rebuilt for him to commit the abomination of the desolation. I KNOW Im not the only one connecting these dots as of lately. Im not that busy that I cant concern myself with things that could destroy what I am busy with. There are curiosities and concerns that people should really take a long hard look at, even if they dont think it will be anything to worry about or not. Every good soldier will check every corner thoroughly, even if it turns out to be a false alarm. We are DEFINITELY in the period of the great falling away. Biblical signs are visible to Christians.... because we know the prophecy... weve read the book... weve been uniting as brothers and sisters for quite some time now... weve heard the intuitive call. We know what it means... America will be cursed as written because weve turned away from Israel. We KNOW this! This is WHY America supports Israel. They are our sisters and our brothers of God! [MOST OF US STILL HAVE YOUR BACK, AND STILL SUPPORT YOU, ISRAEL. We APOLOGIZE FOR OUR MORON AND THE IDIOTS THAT FOLLOW HIM!!! THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!!!] Call me crazy, but that isnt going to change the reality of the written Word. I honestly think we could change this course we are on. I think weve stopped it before. I dont think Revelations is a certain date written on Gods calendar. I believe it is a time when conditions are ripe, the majority of Gods children have fallen away, and have embraced the evil that they have been warned about. Lies and deceit... those that have embraced wickedness will believe the lies... [they think its a joke, a capitalist ploy... another lie to deceive modern progressive people... that just so happens to be the voice of these dark times...] Lord, help us.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 20:39:48 +0000

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